Public school teacher tells class: 'You belong in hell'

you cannot claim something there is no foundation in itself
only theists can make claims on god; atheists can't because they don't fucking get it

do you get it?

i am an atheist and the concept of god is so fucking backwards that I convulse wildly upon its consideration. i therefore make no claims on god. it's a dead concept.

i am fully aware that I am nitpicking and normally I would swallow the argument that "atheists do not believe in god, blah blah blah"... but you're spewing off as though you actually have a clue. but when you make your definition and chase it with your fucking "atheist claims" you come off as little more than a fucking chode. so I argue.

and I could do without your little quips/one liners. they are innappropriate, vulgar, and they lower my confidence in the human race significantly.
You're not only nitpicking, you're making up shit as you go along. Again, not believing or refusing to consider a concept automatically makes you not believe in what that concept represents. If there's anyone trying to come off as a know-it-all, it's you. If you say God is a dead concept, you automatically say there is no God, since God cannot exist without the concept of God.

And don't be a prat by saying I'm vulgar. If you want to sling mud, at least behave like someone who has a spine. I kept this discussion civil even when NoLordy's top blew off, and here you are, ranting and raving like some tantrum-throwing child, and then you have the sense of humour to call me vulgar? I bet you get a kick out of insulting people on the 'Net because you wet your pants in real life. I didn't do anything to you that would justify such a childish and pathetic piece of wankage, except have another opinion than you. Go ahead and bad rep me some more for disagreeing with you, but try to keep your pants dry while you do it, okay? Fuck off, loser.