Don't you just hate school?

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Why the fuck do I have to write some shit-ass essay about the most boring of topics? WHY!? I'm just gonna write my ass off and be proud of what I wrote, and get then supremely butt-fucked by the teacher when I get it back and it's only a 60%!!

I hate school, I hate english class, and I hate essays. Wait, wait, wait though. I'm actually writing a "literary Analysis". OOOOOoooooooooOOOOO!! Fuck all of it. It's all the same whether you call it a "Literary Analysis", an Independant Study Unit, or a Culminating Activity. It's all ESSAY ESSAY ESSAY!!!! POO!!

Who's with me that essays eat balls!?!


UM=procrastination :lol:
I love writing essays. Of course, my English teacher is cool. I wrote a personal narrative about a guy who is madly in love with this woman, then he goes to her apartment to find her taking her life with a knife. He can't stop her and then goes insane and jumps out of the window. He then finds himself the next day on the sidewalk outside of the building where her apartment is and looks up to see police in her room and the window still intact. He then goes on to live for hundreds of years searching for her again. He hates God because he feels like he has cursed him with eternal life. He then finds her again but she does the same thing on the same day and he goes nuts, rips the dagger out of her chest, and decides to bring armageddon onto the world. He does so and during the act, he sees her again, but he is in so much rage he doesn't realize it and kills her. He then goes to hell just to suffer for all eternity anyway. Needless to say, I had to read it out to the class because everyone wanted to hear what I wrote and the teacher liked it. She called it *powerful*. It was pretty good, but extremely far-fetched. I'll have to post it here sometime. On my benchmark essay, I got a 100. I love school.
i have to say im hateing school even more that im 28 than i did when i was 16
16----- went to school for pussy and to find out where the partys were at
28 ----going to school to make more money and to spend more money on books and all that bullshit
"16----- went to school for pussy and to find out where the partys were at"
Maybe you wouldn't hate school if you went there to learn and be enlightened. Incase you didn't know, that is what it's for.
I didn't enjoy school at all. college was a bit better, especially when I put off writing my term paper in political science on the Paris Commune till the very last night, stayed up all night doing speed, thumbing through books and typing like crazy...and got an A. then the light went on in my head, "fuck pre-med", which I was flunking out in anyway, go liberal arts and make bullshit work for me!:rolleyes:
Lord of Metal, your essay sounds amazing. I'd like to read it if it's not too much trouble. College is a little better, so far in my English Comp. class, we've gotten to write about pretty much anything. I like writing though, so it's never been that big of a deal.
I like writing essays about Communism. Really, the only thing I enjoy, since I can't come up with creative shit like Lord of the Nerds over there, is just writing about politics.


yah, you can't get any jobs really with a poli. science degree. maybe you can go work at some political think tank, but those jobs are few and far between.

see, i don't so much hate school itelf, i hate everything ABOUT school. you know, having to wake up and walk in the cold rain ir snow, wearing a uniform, dealing with shithole teachers, and rediculous facist(sp?) rules. the work i don't mind...........except of ocurse stupid english essays which is what this is all about.

but i really can't wait to get into University, i wanna go into media production and stuff(lamens terms= camera and movie type shit) at this sweet ass school in Toronto, Ryerson Polytechnical Institution.

fuck i wanna go there so bad 'cause its the best and honestly, if i don't get in to there, i really don't know what i'm going to do. i don't wanna settle for second best and go to some good school when i could get into a GREAT school the following year. what the hell should I do people? i'm so confuzzled.
All right here is the essay. It is only the rough draft though, my teacher has the final draft.

The Curse of Life

July 26, 2021, the one woman I loved was taken away from me. Looking back on that day, I realize it was the spark that started the flame. What I became after that day, is unimaginable. I didn't understand, until it was too late. I didn't realize the mindless puppet I had become, until everything was gone.
The image of her death is still clearly lodged in my mind. Her silent screams still echo in my ears. The day began just like any other. A bright and beautiful sunrise filled my room and even though she lived miles away, I could feel her heart beat the same rhythm as mine. That afternoon, I left to see her. In my mind, a perfect portrait was painted. Her eyes shined with angel beauty, her hair flowed as though a cool breeze was blowing it, and her complexion glowed, as if a bright light shun on her. Her smile took away all of my troubles. Before opening her apartment door, I remembered how bright her room always was and the warm feeling I got inside it. Upon opening her door, all I saw was black. I could smell melancholy in the air and my heart stopped. Knowing something was wrong, I ran to her bedroom fearing the worst and when I got there, my fears were realized. On the bed, I saw her, mouth open and her hands clenched an object on her chest. Before I could help, she was gone. Her limp corpse lay on the be in front of me with a dagger through her heart. Out of my mouth, spewed blasphemy. The first thought in my mind was suicide. Twenty stories I fell.
I awoke the next day, believing I had entered the afterlife. The street in front of me, convinced me otherwise. With no scratch on my body, I thought that yesterday might have been a dream. Then a newspaper landed in front of me and the headline read "Local Woman Takes Her Life." I looked up and saw her apartment room and her window still intact. In my mind, I knew the leap was real, but reality proved otherwise.
Five hundred years later, I still found myself roaming the earth. I continued to live even though everyone else died. My torment grew each day. All I wanted was to see her face again. Why did God torture me so?
Just when I though that all was lost, she appeared again. At first, I thought it was just a mirage my now insane mind conjured up, but when we kissed, it was too real to be fake. The sun seemed brighter then ever before. All of my sorrow and torment seemed like distant emotions. I foolishly believed that God had lifted the curse.
I realized the meaning of deja vu on July 26, 2621. She took her life with a dagger again and yet again I was unable to save her. This was too much for me to take, all of my sorrow and torment sent me into rage. I ripped the dagger out of her chest and planned the worst. The words that follow bellowed out of me as if I was possessed, "With this dagger, I shall destroy mankind. My hands shall seal their fate. I shall bring armeggedon onto this world. My curse shall be what I know best, death."
Darkness filled the clouds and the ground cracked and split. The rage I felt was uncontrollable. My hatred for God made me apathetic for all the lives I took away. More than a billion people died at my feet, yet my blind rage canceled out my emotions. I vaguely remember most of it, but one memory seems so clear that it is as if it were happening again. I was about to drive the dagger through the heart of another victim, when I saw the face. It was her. I realize now that it was a sign, but didn't then. I don't even know if I knew it was her. I just drove the dagger through her heart. Once this happened, it was all over.
I've had a lot of time to think in my pit of flames. If only I knew what I know now. God wasn't the one who cursed me, Satan did. Satan brainwashed me. All of my killing was in vain. If I could take it all back now, I would. The worst of it all, though, is that her face is just a memory.
"Really, the only thing I enjoy, since I can't come up with creative shit like Lord of the Nerds"
So you're calling Metalheads nerds.
No I wasn't calling metalheads nerds I was calling you a nerd for saying "Maybe you wouldn't hate school if you went there to learn and be enlightened. Incase you didn't know, that is what it's for." Nothing wrong with nerds or whatever, I just don't see how someone can be so passionate about school... It doesn't enlighten you all that much man.
