Don't you just hate school?

I loved the social aspect of school. I was the prom king and voted most likely to succeed, and I was all state captain quarterback of my football team. I got a full ride scholarship to Notre Dame and got to fuck all the hot cheerleaders. then a friend turned me on to Cannibal Corpse and so I lost everything; the poontang, the scholarship, and I'm living in a van down by the river.
I know you are but what am I.

I'm only pointing out that metal ruined my life and changed me from a sculpted 6'2" 195 pounder into a pox ridden, chancre spotted male crack whore. don't let this happen to you!
if only you knew. if you continue to dis me I will track you down and infect your with my various viruses, while you squeal like a pig at my vigorous thrustings.

I am only trying to save you teenagers from a hellish life of dependence on vapid metal lyrics and pointless discussions about how life sucks and mommy doesn't understand me.
some of your peers here are not as well adjusted.
Damnit,stop bitching about how you have english classes!!!I wish I had english or any type of creative writing class.The only type of arts classes my school offers are art(you know, painting, drawing, etc.)drama and band/chorus.No creative writing classes.There was this one thing,a poetry club like activity,but poetry isn't exactly my forte,so I'm not so much into that.I miss the one aspect of middle school in which they had an after-school program which had a creative writing class.But there's nothing like that here.So,basically,I excell at nothing which this school demands that I take.There are plenty of oppurtunities for the kids who can draw or act or play a musical instrument,but nothing for ppl like me,except for the school newspaper;and,no,I am not newspaper acrticl writer material.The only thing that I'm good at,pretty much,is writing fictional stories.So,I'm just waitng for the last 2 quarters of school when I have english to "enlighten" all of my classmates with my *unique* writing style...My first attack,I believe,will be to sic my little ray o' sunshine-"Machine"-on their asses...*evil laughter*I wonder what kind of grade that would get me...