Some weird shit at my school.

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
So there's this guy at my school who everyone has suspected as being a little bit off his rocker for pretty much as long as he's been there. He would practice martial arts in the football field, or the hallways, or the train station, and talk to himself all the time.

I used to be on the staff for my school's literary journal, and two years ago he submitted song lyrics he had written entitled "Bitch" and it was all misogynist shit like "woman, i swear to god u better have dinner on the table by the time i get home [sic]." He also submitted weird essays about how he was a warrior of truth or something. A girl I know said that he used to follow her around after she wouldn't play harp for a song he wrote. Someone else found a page he had written from his notebook, and it was all about how much he wanted to kill all Asians and shit like that.

Other than that he'd just walk around looking really angry all the time, and everyone used to joke that one day he'd shoot up the school.

So then today, he wrote a message on one of the computers in the library and left the window open, saying shit like "None of you have ever been nice to me. You mock me or ignore me or just say hi and never attempt any other conversation. I'm a senior and I'm graduating soon, so be nice to me and make me feel at home during the time I have left. You all know what happened at Virginia Tech, and that could happen here." And then he included a long list of the names of people who had hurt him--mostly people from his vocal class, but also included a guy who used to make fun of his karate and other stuff like that. And at the end he wrote "Just because your name isn't on the list doesn't mean that you're safe."

People printed this out and passed it around, and a few students gave a copy to the principal, so the police and the mental health people came, and he's staying in an institution at least through the summer and is never allowed near the school again.

It's fucked up, but I'm just glad he wrote that instead of bringing a gun to school. o_O
poor kid definatly has some mental issues, sad what sociaty can do to a kid with bullies and such, glad he was caught cause after reading that, i had a bad feeling something would of happened.
yeah, the kid was askin to get taken away, especially with the virginia shootings, people arn't gonna take any chances with that shit, the kid had it commin'
I'm a passivist, but being a victim of heavy peer abuse throughout school, I know how these kids feel. Everyone needs to find a release, and learn not to take it personally. It took me till my final year of highschool to realize that there are more important things in life than what these little fucks think.

I always hated school. Being in the work force now, you realize that if you're stuck being criticized and bullied throughout school, there are better things to come. I'd say work is far more enjoyable than school ever was, and I'm glad I finished rather than dropping out like I had been planning for years.

Obviously some people love school, some people like school, and others dislike it. It's all a matter of opinion and what "click" you were in. Personally, I had friends in every "click" and stereotype in high school. It was a select few people who made my time there a horrible situation. People who knew how to get under my skin. Bringing personal problems and family issues into conversations around friends and such.

Bullying is really something that can ruin some people's education....

Hell this turned into a rant. Yay.
Work is much better than school, peer wise. Its not a popularity contest... especially the case in an factory setting, IMO.
I'm a passivist, but being a victim of heavy peer abuse throughout school, I know how these kids feel. Everyone needs to find a release, and learn not to take it personally. It took me till my final year of highschool to realize that there are more important things in life than what these little fucks think.

I always hated school. Being in the work force now, you realize that if you're stuck being criticized and bullied throughout school, there are better things to come. I'd say work is far more enjoyable than school ever was, and I'm glad I finished rather than dropping out like I had been planning for years.

Obviously some people love school, some people like school, and others dislike it. It's all a matter of opinion and what "click" you were in. Personally, I had friends in every "click" and stereotype in high school. It was a select few people who made my time there a horrible situation. People who knew how to get under my skin. Bringing personal problems and family issues into conversations around friends and such.

Bullying is really something that can ruin some people's education....

Hell this turned into a rant. Yay.

i hear ya man, i know exactly how they feel, all kids beat me up so much, i grew up anti-social and withdrawn, i am so glad im out of school, so much emotional abuse can take place in school, it can really tear down someone mentally...
I hope he goes nuts and kills the people fucked up enough to tease him. He's gonna do it sometime, might as well be when he can get at the people who did it to him.
very interesting thread. The worst thing is the lack of communication and I never met a kid who knew how to talk. They keep everything for themselves and they fight to be noticed by the others. Some use violence. I think everyone may be a victim of others. I felt kinda that way when I was in high school. Please talk to a teacher or anyone....there's nice people over the internet, that can truly help someone to talk. I live outside the us and I can say that we are all the same, the only difference is that kids can bring guns in school. TALK, TALK and TALK please....
where do you live, columbia? I've never heard of the "guns ok in school" policy in any country.
where do you live, columbia? I've never heard of the "guns ok in school" policy in any country.
LOL no shit. I saw a thing on the discovery channel about a Columbian jail where the guards were armed with either nothing, or clubs; and the fucking inmates were armed with guns. Yet, the jail was still somewhat functional? I don't get how that works.
that's fucked up, but obviously he was trying to get noticed and he succeeded in that... you know i feel for some of those kids but when it's obvious that they're the ones alienating and hating everyone around them, then i can't really blame anyone else.
I'm a passivist, but being a victim of heavy peer abuse throughout school, I know how these kids feel. Everyone needs to find a release, and learn not to take it personally. It took me till my final year of highschool to realize that there are more important things in life than what these little fucks think.

I always hated school. Being in the work force now, you realize that if you're stuck being criticized and bullied throughout school, there are better things to come. I'd say work is far more enjoyable than school ever was, and I'm glad I finished rather than dropping out like I had been planning for years.

Obviously some people love school, some people like school, and others dislike it. It's all a matter of opinion and what "click" you were in. Personally, I had friends in every "click" and stereotype in high school. It was a select few people who made my time there a horrible situation. People who knew how to get under my skin. Bringing personal problems and family issues into conversations around friends and such.

Bullying is really something that can ruin some people's education....

Hell this turned into a rant. Yay.
yeah luckily i grew out of that shit sophmore year, i would have had a shitty 4 years if I hadn't grown out of it.

one of my teachers in particular helped me grow out of that, he's the most sarcastic person i know.