London gig with Akercocke

i have to go back to coventry straight away after the london gig! o_O
Talk about a headf*ck! Damn lectures!
B Crouch said:
I would usually go to the London leg of a tour, but they're playing in my home town of Oxford. :D

Im going to Oxford also, only aboot a 30 minute drive, only if you ignore conventional speed limits lol. Whats the venue like, anyone know, been to the zodiac numerous times but never to the Brookes Uni place.
Both times I seen them Horns of Baphomat, Leviathan and Enraptured by Evil been played, but most likely will now include stuff from the new album (especially the release Verdelet).
Akercocke are pretty good live. I saw them supporting Arch Enemy last year.

More importantly, however: Does anyone have any idea what sort of thing Opeth will be playing? They've described the set as 'more extensive' than that of September - does this mean they will be playing stuff from Orchid/Morningrise/My Arms Your Hearse?
For Funerals to Come said:
Akercocke are pretty good live. I saw them supporting Arch Enemy last year.

More importantly, however: Does anyone have any idea what sort of thing Opeth will be playing? They've described the set as 'more extensive' than that of September - does this mean they will be playing stuff from Orchid/Morningrise/My Arms Your Hearse?

Didn't they play When and DotF?
Ah, I forgot about When. I don't include DotF, cuz it's THE encore. Will there be more from Ghost Reveries? I was disappointed that they only played The Baying of the Hounds + TGC...
In a thread a while ago it was mentioned that the band seemed to be rehearsing GoP in soundcheck... You might find mention of that if you search.
opeth_353 said:
If they opend with Praise The Name Of Satan with the intro.. i would die!

Better hope they don't then so you can see Opeth...:Spin: ...anyhoo can't wait for the Cocke and the Peth
Haha - point!
I'm actually looking forward to Akercocke more because i've seen Opeth before and i have no idea what they're going to play whereas i'm guessing the Opeth setlist will be similar to last time they played in London.
...anyway.. until the day...
..the pool is ready... bring the girl!