Shit there are sooo many replies!!
Well it was a fine Saturday evening indeed..
First of all it was really great to see the mates again,
Pieter (sorry about sunday evening

see you soon mate)
Daphne (i prefer that from Carolin!!

Dunc (nice hairdo mate, cheers for the Mozzart ball, now i know where it came from!!

Mehdi (hope you'll enjoy the v-tape, 30min of Antigoni live!!!

Cheers to all the new people i've met, Andy (hope when you got back home you hadn't turned into an icecube!), Cedarbreed, Chezzy, Marginale, Susie (you're dead funny woman!!), Rafael ("who gave me this tape? did you gave me this tape?? did you gave me this tape???"), Tools (did you manage to wake up on time on Sunday morning???), i hope i'm not leaving anyone out and if i am forgive me for that, twas a crazy night anyway!
I'm sorry for all the people i never got the chance to meet, by the way did Ilaria came to the gig? If so, pity i didn't got the chance to meet her, Giorgos asked me to give her his greetings!
As for the gig now..
Have to admit that i almost shitted in me pans when i saw Lee on stage and especially when she started singing "natural disaster", she sounded even better than the album! What a song

what a voice!
Wouldn't mind listening to "parisienne moonlight" too, but oh well... :Spin:
It was fun seeing Danny and Jamie being so passionate and all, as always! Jamie bangin' his head

hehe and Danny cheering up everyone, waiting to see people's reaction in the new stuff!
It was touching to hear the crowd singing "it feels like i'm flying above you..." along with Vincent, although in general the crowd's reactions were pretty much "soft", nothing like what happens in Greece!
"Closer" was weird... it's entire nature is weird but listening to it live was.. :Spin:
Have to admit as well that Vincent's voice sounded better than before, especialy in "what shall we do now", oh my, though i'd like to hear Danny singing as well..
It was a wonderful night indeed, cheers to everyone who made it feel this way!