London: setlist, comments, gossip, photos and that.

Well I can't really agree with that one :)
I can understand Danny but I do think I'm right about what I said about the old songs.
Oh and it's stupid to compare to Maiden... They have always been a metal band and will always be, that's not exactly the case with Anathema.
Strangelight said:
I thought it was a good set, apart from about 3 tracks. Strange atmosphere too, which I liked. The band seem to have found a direction now so leave them to it.

Strange atmosphere ? Are you talking about the band or the crowd ? I though both were special their own way.
it was a good set, just didn't seem better because of how short it was, judgement was the best bit as I catapulted to near the front, and a natural disaster, those were the 2 best bits for me
marginalé said:
yes, i remeber laughing, i couldn't stop :lol:
but don't know the joke anymore :erk:
so, tell me again

i think you wanted me to dedicate a song to you on december 20th and introduce you as the 5th official Breaklose member or something like that :D
flosskki said:
Oh dear....that's the end of that so (well for me anyway). I saw the setlist, sorry, but to me it's pretty awful. Too much of the (extremely weak for the most part) new CD, and little to please the fans the supported the band all along the way- thats the thanks you get! I agree with the 'not-playing-a-dying-wish' thing: it's not the only good song from 'back when they were worth listening to' though! There are plenty other contenders.

Ryan adams did somthing In dublin a few weeks ago - he played all unknown songs for the crowd that paid hard cash to see him and hear the songs they like in the live environment. Had I gone to london i would have felt somthing similar to that I think. Next time Anathema make the effort (and fair play to them) to come to Dublin, I for one won't bother me arse driving the 160 miles to hear songs I (and many others) believe to be weak and lacking. Maiden played this day last week, I drove, they played 7 of their new songs- and a burst of the classics people want to hear. That's the way to do it - *that's* worth spending your few bob on
eh I understand the fact that you want to hear some of the old songs...but many of us here want(ed) to hear how the new songs sound live, the old ones were probably heard once or twice live...I agree there should be more mixing of old and new songs..but the set list was great and i wish i was there!
Just because maiden is a metal band has nothing to do with it (hence the not-metal-at-all Ryan Adams comment). Punters want a bang for their buck at a gig as the yanks say - that setlist and the general way things have been going doesn't sound like that to my ears.

But without a doubt - the name should change - and should have done so a while ago. Let the Metal band 'Anathema' be what it was, for clearly it no longer is anything like that, and let another new band be 'formed' that by coincidence, happens to have the same members as 'Anathema' once had :)
cedarbreed said:
i think you wanted me to dedicate a song to you on december 20th and introduce you as the 5th official Breaklose member or something like that :D
ooh yeah, :lol: :lol: :lol:
i was thinking about it a whole weak to say that, and i finaly did, so sorry,
(don't take it to serriuos hahaha)
marginalé said:
ooh yeah, :lol: :lol: :lol:
i was thinking about it a whole weak to say that, and i finaly did, so sorry,
(don't take it to serriuos hahaha)

To late mate :D I WILL DO IT ... hope i will have a mike available :lol:
flosskkii said:
But without a doubt - the name should change - and should have done so a while ago. Let the Metal band 'Anathema' be what it was, for clearly it no longer is anything like that, and let another new band be 'formed' that by coincidence, happens to have the same members as 'Anathema' once had :)
I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it..... There are enough bands that were able to evolve the way you want Anathema to do without changing the name at all. Take The Gathering for example. They started as a doom-death metal band much like Anathema's early days, they are completely different right now, and their metal past doesn't really follow them that much (Except for the Mandylion album but it's so good that it can't be ignored). I dunno if they've got the success they deserve, but hey, how many bands are there actually who do? There are other possibilities than changing the band's name. I'd say that they shouldn't do the Biebob anymore but I'm afraid it's either that or nothing at all here in Belgium... They should call the boys of Radiohead and say "hey we're going on tour with you next year! :)" they'll answer "allrighty, see yous then" and then they'll smile and nod :):) Problem solved again.
i just typed out a three paragraph post and Ultimate Merchandise just fucking lost it. bollox to it. Still at least all the fucking banner ads still work :ill:
ah, not that discussion again.... well anyway, what i could add to the setlist topic is, that it only was a kinda pre- concert i guess. I mean it didn't belong to the upcoming tour, and on this one they'll play longer and maybe change their setlist to add some old stuff again.

For me it doesn't matter, if they won't play them old songs that much anymore, i like some freshness for i think we all heard them songs live quite often (yes, i know, they could change an old for an old one, but i think they could play a new one instead ;) ). And i think when the tour is called as the "A Natural Disaster Tour" they somehow want promote the recent stuff and not some 10 year old one. Anyway, it's somehow about taste, and you can't please everyone, especially not when the band doesn't feel comfortable with the songs anymore. just my two cents.....
Ah, it's quite funny btw because there is a discussion on the Pl board where people complain about Pl not changing there set, so that you can already guess before the gig what they will play.

so everything has its side, and me, i'll leave it to the band.
i always put my (long) texts on the clipboard before hitting any buttons... Ctrl+C
Well, to me it's about time they quit playing "a dying wish". last time I saw Anathema they played a beautiful set. But then, near the end of the set, they played a dying wish. I was like "come on, not now, it just doesn't belong here anymore".

I have some pre alt 4 favorites too (angelica, far away), but they have so many good newer songs... It's not a big deal if they don't play 'em..