Long time guitarists... help me...


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
I've injured my hand... I've been working on a solo with big stretches (using modes of the harmonic minor scale... go figure :rolleyes: ).... trying to get my shredding up to scratch when there is big stretches involved (four/five frets at a time), and now the little finger on my left hand is CANING, i can't even play guitar now, it is way too painful...

what should i do? This is killing me, i hope i haven't done permanent damage...

Yeah, i'm not big on stretching actually... i usually just warm up with a few scales and stuff, but i obviously didn't do it right.. :lol:

btw: got your second mail TODAY!!! have not listened to it yet!! great thanks man!!!


FINALLY!! I am so glad that it turned up (One day, maybe in 50 years or so, the first one will land on your doorstep :lol: )

Let me know what you think of atheist... and alarum... :D

you should always stretch before playing...if its really painfully then lay off and if it doesnt get better go see a doctor about it.
Hey dude......I've been playing guitar for almost 14 years....and in 98, I had an annuarism that temporarily paralyzed my whole right side so I couldn't pick, or even hold one for that matter. Almost everything came back in about 2 years after relearning everything from the beginning (damaged some learnig, memory skills or someshit.) Anyway, what I used to do is just play scales with my left hand while muting the strings with my right hand. In other words, just do exercises for now with the other three fingers and maybe do tapping stuff with your other hand (obviously) and lay off the pinky. Maybe use the pinky once in a while to keep it up to par. Stretching is a good idea (although I hardly EVER do it myself!)

I don't know if this will apply directly to your situation, but we were just discussing this on the Racer X board. I'll copy and paste what I wrote since it's rather lengthy:


If you are having pain while playing that is something you definitely don't want to mess with. There was a period of time where I literally played guitar 6-10 hours a day on average while I was at GIT around 1992-1993. Shortly after GIT I would notice pain in my picking hand wrist from time to time. At this time I was 'only' playing about four hours a day. By 1995 I would get pains after playing for a few hours.

There are two kinds of pain I feel. One is like an electric shock that will travel from my wrist then to my elbow and up to my shoulder. The other is just a general soreness and stiffness in my wrist. My wrist also pops and clicks when I move it. I went to several doctors and had some tests. I had the NCV nerve test which sucks! I also had what was the most painfull test of my life. It was called an Arthrogram. Basically, they stick a needle straight down through the top of your wrist and inject a dye inside of the joint. They then X-Ray it to see if any fluid leaks out of your joint. The doctor actually said to me "Yell when you can't stand it anymore". It was the only time in my life where pain actually made me blackout! It feels like your wrist is being crushed!

They discovered that I have every symptom of Carpal Tunnel except for the numbness in the fingertips. They put me on an anti-inflamatory drug. It got rid of the soreness, but I would still get the electric shock from time to time. I eventually decided it wasn't going to be healthy to be on this medicine the rest of my life and quit taking it. I had to alter my practing schedule to something a bit more realistic and less damaging to myself.

Here are some suggestions:

1.) If it hurts...STOP! You need to figure out why it hurts. Analyze your playing and your arm/wrist/hand movements. I discovered that I locked my wrist playing fast and I think the constant pressure and strain is what hurt me.

2.) Be realistic in the amount of time you play. In my case, my body just couldn't handle 6-10 hours for very long. I was caught up in trying to be the fastest guy around and I thought I would just practice more than anybody else. If you practice 2-3 hours that should be more than enough if you are practicing properly.

3.) Don't play the same exact thing for too long. I would literally do the same exercises for an hour or more (DAMN YOU PAUL!!!!) without a break. I would suggest that maybe every 15 minutes switch to playing something totally different to give your body a rest. Think of it like hockey players who take a 1-2 minute shift and then rest.

Fortunately for me I did not damage myself too badly. Due to 'growing up' I couldn't practice as long as I used to. My average practice time now is 1-2 hours. Occasionally my wrist will get very stiff. If my band is playing a show, or if I know I'll be playing for awhile, I'll take some aspirin or other arthritis medicine first. I can't stress enough that guitar playing is not worth hurting yourself for life (it's a close call though!!!). Don't mess around with this stuff. You could permanently lose your ability to play guitar.

I hope this helps you in some way. Good luck.
When I first started playing I would get that nice electric shock straight thru my thumb when I tried to play certain chords. It eventually stopped and I have no reason why.

I would say don't use the pinky for a while and let it heal. It just sounds like you strained it to me.
my friend dave hurt his arm doing pushups, and then did just hardcore drilling with scales and shit for like the hours and actually caused nerve damage to his pinky and ring finger. be carefull man, if you think you're hurt go to the doctor. dont fuck around or you could jeopardize your guitar future.
actually... that's a point neal... i lift weights every day, so playing guitar straight after probably doesn't do me any good...

in 98, I had an annuarism that temporarily paralyzed my whole right side so I couldn't pick, or even hold one for that matter. Almost everything came back in about 2 years after relearning everything from the beginning (damaged some learnig, memory skills or someshit.)

Shit, that really sucks man, sorry to hear that...

It's actually my left side, so i can't really do the 'play scales without using the right hand...

I've worked out what caused it... it's actually when i am NOT using my pinky, just doing three notes at a time on a string, i tend to lock the middle joint in my pinky (yeah, i'm double-jointed, i can control all of the joints separetly to some extent... it really sucks)... i'm going to have a rest for a few days, maybe just play some old metallica stuff every now and again, no strain... then i'm going to work out how to stop myself from doing this...
Eh......it's all good now.......I am fine now and I do stuff better with my right hand (like draw and play guitar) better than alot of normal people! Anyway......about the pinky thing and playing three notes per string, are you talking like 1, 2, 3 or 2, 3, 4? Everything else like 1, 2, 4 or 1, 3, 4 or whatever, I always use my pinky......even when doing bar chords.......it's like working it out..... I used to believe that my pinky was so weak (and it still is) that I always work with it to build up it's stength. But yeah, relax it for now.....and as you go along, always try to use it......

Yeah, i had a light play before, just a bit of legato runs etc, slow stuff... it's much better than it was yesterday... and it doesn't really hurt at all if i am using my pinky... so yeah... i'll use it much more from now on...