question to guitarists - it really hard for me to play while standing

Oh the pain you go through lol I understand. Haven't played in bands for a few years until the end of last year and well, when you know a few tricks on your left leg, standing is a little like learning to write holding your pen with a differant position. Just keep it up and it'll adjust just fine.
Fuck convention and sit down at shows.



Sorry, couldn't resist!
OT, tip the guitar's headstock upwards, towards you. That shifts the center of gravity towards the 'butt' of the guitar, and provides you easier fret access while at it.., it's more metal :kickass:


The trick part -for me, at least- is making the strap (and the guitar) stay in place, depending on the shape.

I too find it a mystery how some people (a dude who made rhythm guitars for me in college, for example) can play standing -and even shred! with the guitar on their knees, AND tilted in a horizontal position. I either tilt the neck, or go Mariachi style, for playing comfort.
would you like to watch
Metallica playing while they're sitting


only time i saw metallica was in san francisco in 2000...hetfield had missed a few shows due to a back injury, and played about 1/2 of their set sitting down

then he took a break to let the rest of the guys jam whiplash as a 3-piece with jason on vox...sat back down to play the fade to black intro, then stood up and kicked the shit outta his stool and didn't sit back down for the rest of the show

shit was pretty :rock:
I play with the strings 5cm above my crotch. I find this the best height for me, as it makes my right hand relax (low enough for the arm to rest) and depending on the angle of the guitar I can still play in the high note.

When I need extra access and left hand precision in the highest notes, I put the guitar on my left leg, lahio style, for the passage.

When I sit it's always between the legs, classical style, also because I have a RR shaped guitar which makes it the obvious choice. But unless I'm playing sloppy, I do it even with a strat. It's both more comfortable for actual playing and closer to the standing position. I sometimes even wear a strap that is set up super high so that the guitar doesn't sit on my legs when I'm sat, it gives me freedom of movement around my desk
You also have to take into account that some people are tall, have longer arms/fingers etc. so if someone plays with the guitar hanging near his knees doesn't mean everyone should be able to.
I always put the blame of things like these on tensing up when playing.

if you really develop controll and confidence in your motions, then you can play your guitar in any position.

practice, practice, practice...
thank you guys a lot for all you tips and great support :)

never thought of sitting with the guitar between the legs, specially on normal shaped guitar.

what about practicing like that??

In between the legs is good for the angle of picking and the neck position but standing whilst practicing is the best practice for standing!

I actually end up with more tension playing sat down than I do stood up now :confused:
thank you guys a lot for all you tips and great support :)

never thought of sitting with the guitar between the legs, specially on normal shaped guitar.

what about practicing like that??


It's the classical guitar position, it presents the neck and strings in the most comfortable way and let's you play as easily on the high notes as on the low ones. It also let's the body of the guitar vibrate more against your chest which creates a bigger sense of connection and physical sensation with the instrument. The left feet is usually on top of an object, to make it even better (just try it with a 20ish cm high box).

But there is no "perfect" position, and the best one stays the one where you feel comfortable with (which is different from : the one you think you are comfortable with, until one day you have a declic and discover you have always played with too much tension) in the whole range of technicity you need. You really just have to release all the tension you have, and the best is just to practice without thinking about it, and try using many different positions, maybe it will help you physically feel their characteristics and how it affects your playing and hopefully you will be able to find the ones that does it for you.

Marty Friedman plays with a weird pick angle that would hurt me after a while, but it works for him. This doesn't mean it's a good thing in itself, just that it's the one that does for him. It's not a whole guitar/stance position but the analogy is direct !

And yes, I have practiced on the throne a few times as well !
As AD chaos said, tilt the guitar upwards. In my opinion it doesnt have to always be like that but when you reach for that F chord tilt the guitar upwards with the palm of your hand. And like everyone is saying practise standing from time to time. But i definitely know what your saying, gluck!