Look at my hot-as-hell gf!

Very nice women guys. Here's one of me and my boyfriend:


well he is now my X boyfriend as of today because he is an asshole.
It must poop on New Jersey then, cuz there aren't many nice people here either.

And here's a pic of my new girlfriend:

Oh well, can't get it to work, been trying to for a while now. But you'll just have to trust me that she's really really hot.

[Last edited by froosch on July 14 at 8:27 PM. No really, it really was, I swear.]
There are assholes everywhere. Let's start a pilgrimage to the holy land of Gothenburg...maybe there aren't assholes there, just tr00 l33t h34db4ng3rz
I wish I was gay. I seriously have had more luck with other guys while trying specifically to avoid it than girls. Once, a gay dude actually told me something like "You're really nice for a straight guy."