LOOK what just came in the mail k***K


more metal, more booze!!!

for the fun of it ive posted up a link of the peavey XXL below it (with my standard processing approach of EQ and comp etc) just so you can compare, this clip is done using fredman technique with like 8 tracks of guitars, compared to that krank track of just a L and R, but i think they'll sound great blended!!

well just woke up to finds this in my porch, sounds brutal for its size, ill have to get sum clips done in the next few days when i have had chance to tweak it and the time off work!!!!:headbang::kickass:


right ive done a very very quick recording

the amp settings are
Sweep 7.5
Bass 6
Mid 2
Treb 5
Gain 6 (plus krank boost)

Level 3 oclock
Tone 8 oclock
Dist 9 oclock

guitar was a yamaha pacifica with SD Distortion pup, Marshall 1960A w/V30s mic ala sneap (SM57) nothing on the guitar stereo bus apart from 60hz Hi pass and 13k low pass

Updated mix without as much compression
very cute i want one too would like to hear it with the boss overdrive too! are they selling the head by itself?
If they ever sell the head on it's own down here in Oz I think I'll be picking one up. It sounded brutal when I tried it last. Would be great to have as a blend amp for recording, maybe even playing live.
I'm surprised Krank didn't make those from the beginning, given Krank started with Tony modding small sovtek heads and slapping a Krank logo on them.
that thing sounds fucking sweet...

i might have to ditch my idea of picking up a used 5150 in favor of the mini krank...
Do you have the active effects loop activated? What do you have it set at?

naa the fx loop is off, i dont understand the "active" part of it :-S

wow! that DID sound really really good, usable for SURE! XD
I would like to hear more :)

yeah for its size its a great studio amp as it can be turned up for its potential and used at a "reasonable" level. but yeah thats a dry track apart from the high and low pass filters
naa the fx loop is off, i dont understand the "active" part of it :-S

basically, the fx loop is tube powered, so turning it on, even if you don't use any fx, will provide more gain
The active fx loop just boosts the *volume* only. Sounds killer. This doesn't help my GAS for one dude...


That's completely changed my opinion of this little thing! When you were weighing up either the Rev Jr or a 5150, I thought you were mad! I get it now ;) Have you done any recordings with more mids? I'm wondering how angry it sounds with the mids at about 4 o'clock.

Any chance you can give me some size dimensions? I can't find anythin on the interweb, and I think this might look slightly less out of proportion sitting on one of those vertical 2x12's :D