Sometimes you just gotta...

what cab would you guys recommend for this head....this will be strickly for studio use and nothing else. so we know the head sounds great...what about the Bugera cab...any thoughts?
Yeah...I would say Avatar as well, great deal on a superbly built cabinet. Celestion V30's are the way to go for smoothness, or G12-T75's for a little edgier sound. I took enough of a chance on the head, I wouldn't dare try the Bugera cabinet :lol:

I've already been thinking about taking all the extra plastic bullshit off of it. And the knobs shall be replaced eventually.

And I just noticed scorpio01169 is in San Antonio as well as you and I, Jeff. Representing 210 whuttupz!!>!11!?

You should perform the "mobng" mod. I think it's necessary.

Thats cool.

Yeah dude, I need to do something with the shitty plastic on the front. I might just do the mobng mod.

Well, since I have played the 333xl and heard 006's clips of the 333, their not worlds apart. I’ve never played a real xxx only the ultra plus which was its predecessor. Although I have played the JSX which is an awesome amp, I think the 333xl sounds closer to the xxx clips I’ve heard than an actual JSX. Personally I prefer the xxx samples I’ve heard to the JSX and the 333xl definitely shits on the ultra plus.
Damn you US-residents. There are 333's on for 450$ or less. They go for 499€ here in Germany (appr. 790$).

Ouch! Man, that's probably the only good thing about living the US. I want to leave this country before it goes completely down the drain. Our economy is fucked and just getting worse.

Back on topic though...I really want to bust some ass and save up the cash real quick and get a Rev Jr in here too. I actually think I should've gotten the Rev Jr first and then worked on getting the Bugera...oh well, too late now. But I will be getting a Rev Jr. I don't regret the order, the Bugera is raw as fuck, and thats what I wanted :)

And something else to Moonlapse and Neb (I think both of you guys have a JSX, right?), I noticed something about the JSX's Noise Gate before I shipped it off. When the amp is cranked up, the effect is a lot more noticeable. Basically what it does is clamp down on the signal and dull it up. I've always kept the knob at 10, but I turned it to 0 when I jammed on it for the last time and it really opened up. Not enough to get it where I wanted it, but it helped a little. The JSX is a stellar amp, I'll have one again in the future, but for the time being I needed something RAW. With the Noise Gate cranked up, you have to really push the treble and presence. Try putting the knob on 0 for a while, just leave it like that for a few days and jam on it. You'll notice the difference.

I know I'm reviving an old topic, but I own one of these amps and I can't get mine to sound even close to as good as 006's clips.
I'm still happy with it, considering what I paid and the fact that I can get a semi-decent tone out of it, but 006's clips just blow me away.

Please, bestow your magic upon us sir, the settings must reach the people!
Would it be rude to ask for a recording without drums or anything else, and just one single track of guitar panned dead centre? I'd do it, but I don't have one! ;)

I like what I'm hearing, but I'd like to remove "production" from the equation as much as possible.