Look what my wife did yesterday.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
It was slippery as hell. Took me 40 mins to get to her, when it normally takes me 15.

Anyhow on to the epic pics:





Yeah this got ripped off the bottom:

She is all stressed out about it, me and my reaction was "meh, that's what insurance is for." :lol:
She's lucky man. Thats a deep ditch and real easy to overturn a vehicle depending on the angle you go into em. And looking at the pic, if she was going any faster she probable would have hit that covert at that crossing.
Honda > Dodge

Glad she's ok, that's all that matters anyway. Everything else can be fixed, etc.
Jesus, I'm glad she's ok man, Cars can be replaced, as you said thats what insurance is for. Things like these always put life in perspective
Serves ya right for buying a fucking Honda!

Get her a Hemi Ram with 4X4 and traction control.

Bahahahahahhaa, a Canadian American hick, that's a new one :loco: And yeah, the roads were ridiculous all over the region yesterday, freezing rain is a bitch! Glad I didn't have to go anywhere :D
Yah - even down here in Connecticut the roads were a bitch yesterday. Over in Shelton there was a 50 car pileup on rt. 110.


Glad your wife was ok man. Hope insurance gets her car fixed up quickly. I was in an accident over the summer and it took them forever to work out what should have been simple issues.
Ugghh, motherfucking deer - support wolf reintroduction for safer roads! :D And Jind, jesus fucking christ that's ridiculous; how steep of a dropoff is that on the right? Did any cars roll down there?
Damn you can see the sheet of ice on the ground in that pic.... When it gets like that here, I just stay home.... No matter how experienced us northerners are in cold weather driving, shit like that will still get ya...
Oh man, I once had a similar crash with me old Ford Escort. The road was so slippery, I literally just slipped off the road into a dropoff even though I was hardly faster than walking speed in the second gear. There was nothing I could do... no grip at all (you had a hard time plainly standing at that hill).

3 cars got stuck trying to get me outta there. But I was very lucky, there was no damage at all.

I just gotta grin everytime I remember that story because my brother got hit at the head with a glass of pickles. :lol:

Edit: And this is the only thing that bothers me about winter, it's such a PITA from a driver's POV.
Driving through the hills of West Virginia yesterday in the freezing rain and fog. Yeah that sucked.

Glad your wife is okay though, could have been a lot worse very easily.