Looking for a definitive answer from the band.


Fuzzy Old One
Oct 7, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
So, it's just one simple question that I'd really like to have answered quickly.

Will Asgeir's leaving have an effect on the performance at Screamfest or not?

I want to know before I buy the ticket.
Týr said:
Hi Tobias!

Well, as far as the drummer situation is concerned, it will not have an impact on the gig. We will play. The only unclear thing is who is gonna be behind the kit. If we at that point still haven't got a new drummer, Asgeir will do the job.

- Jan Erik

So, see you in November :)
YAY! Tell me when you order your tickets so we can organise stuff. I don't want to invade too much but it'd be good if we stay at the same place and try to get there on similar dates, it'll be nice to meet and hang out with you :3
I might even pop over to Denmark to visit a friend before Screamfest or something.
YAY! Tell me when you order your tickets so we can organise stuff. I don't want to invade too much but it'd be good if we stay at the same place and try to get there on similar dates, it'll be nice to meet and hang out with you :3
I might even pop over to Denmark to visit a friend before Screamfest or something.

Yeah, sure. I'll buy them soon. When I get back from vacation I think.
Is this a kind of metallic and unholy dating zone? I'll happily come if some hot chick pays my fare :D
^ Lucky guys, please record for me would you? :)

Or something.

I can't justify going to this unfortunately. The finances and timing are all wrong. The economy is tanking, especially here in the US, and the dollar just sucks against the Euro, Kroner, etc.. Airline prices are now insane due to gas prices nearly doubling in the pst two years. Plus, I plan on moving at the beginning of the year to the Bay Area; I'm saving my money for that instead.

So, uh, you all have fun for me, and maybe I can catch another show or something when things are more stable on my end.
^ Yeah it must be terrible :erk: .

Although, think about this: If the US is bad, imagine how US-dependent economies (like mine) are doing?

Go figure :Smug: .

Actually we're not doing that bad, but things look grim if the government doesn't start working more seriously.