Looking for a descent multiband comp and eq plug

May 12, 2005
Hi folks!
Ive got the Cubase Studio 4 running on an intelmac and since there aren't that many plugins included in that sucker I'm thinking of buying some.

Can you give me some advice on what to get? I'm first and foremost looking for a multiband comp, a channelstrip or an EQ and perhaps a good reverb.
I'd be glad if they weren't expensive as hell too since I'll mostly be using them in a small projectstudio not making that much money on the recordings.
Multiband: Hmm, it's difficult - I quite liked the Voxengo Soniformer (31 Bands!!!) - it needs some time to got used to it, but it's got a good price.

Channelstrip: I'd suggest Metric Halo, or the Khaerhus Golden CS (but, both are not that cheap :erk:).

Go to www.kvraudio.com and look for some freeware as well, some of these babes are really good!
I will post some of my faves in the "Free VST Central Thread".

Greetings, Henning