Looking for a good but cheat All tube guitar Amp..

Yeah I played the Combo Amp at a local G.C here in town and loved it, wish they had a stack set up though and I could KRANK IT! Anyone ever play/heard the Bugera 333XL? I seen some online and it seemed pretty sweet and the price was pretty damn good, under $600! BUT I want something that I KNOW is going to be great! If I had the money id get something like a Triple Rectifier or a Framus or even a DAR but yeah, aint got that kind of money! Lol.
I own a 5150 and 333LX ... 2 VERY different animals.

The 333LX has a very Marshall feel with the Crunch Channel, and the Lead channel gets into Mesa "Stiletto" territory. It versatility is GREAT! But you have to baby the shit out of it or it will break. I have been gigging mine for nearly a year now 3 to 4 nights a week and with regular maintenance and being very careful how I move it around I have not had any issues.

The 5150 on the other hand is my GO TO amp when I want HUGE METAL CRUNCH. Its THE sound of Metal imho. But its pretty much a 1 trick pony. The Cleans are OK but the Rythm and lead sounds are great. I LOVE my 5150 and will never get rid of it. Its also built like a tank. I dropped mine off a loading dock, busted the tubes, replaced them and it still fired right up. I would bet anything if I would have done that with the Bugers it would be in pieces.

If you want versatility look at the Bugera but be prepared to baby the shit out of it. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
Yeah, I dont GIG at all. Im just using it to record at home. I have wrist problems so I can only play for a little while. Cant play long enough to be on a stage.... im actually a drummer the but after about 5 minuets of playing... I can be set to TEARS my wrists will hurt so bad.... FML lol. BUT Like I said im only going to use it for recording on my own and possibly having a "client" use it to record. Im also in the process of learning how to Reamp and using Impulses, its a little hard to understand only cause im a either hands on or video kind of student.

But yeah its going to be tricky because no one around me has one on hand I can test for the Bugera 333XL and a 5150 isnt anywhere NEAR me lol. But im thinking about the 6505 or the 6505+...
FYI you can find Dual Rectifier's easy around the 800 dollar mark used. The EQ's with these are kind of difficult to dial in, but once you get there they sound...awesome. They're very different from 6505/5150's though, definately a completely different animal. The two complement each other nicely though which is why I'm, hoping to pick one up down the road. The Mesa is much more versatile than the 5150/6505's too.
FYI you can find Dual Rectifier's easy around the 800 dollar mark used. The EQ's with these are kind of difficult to dial in, but once you get there they sound...awesome. They're very different from 6505/5150's though, definately a completely different animal. The two complement each other nicely though which is why I'm, hoping to pick one up down the road. The Mesa is much more versatile than the 5150/6505's too.

I agree on all points other then the price. I have never seen a used Recto go for less then a grand.
Ok, so I found a Dual Rectifier right at the $1000 mark.... I told the wife (begged pleaded and almost shed some tears lol) that I am getting it! And BAM! She let me..... haha! Im going to GC here in Grand Rapids today to get my Mesa Boogie Rectifier 120W 2x12 Horizontal Guitar Speaker Cabinet along with placing my order for a Dual Rectifier in GREAT condition with the Footswitch!

Now! Is there a difference in the Dual or Triple? Cause they got a Triple for $1200. I was told that unless your playing big festivals, you dont really need the Triple Rectifier because they both bascially are the same amp. Except that the triple just gets louder and stays clear at higher volumes. THIS IS WHAT I WAS TOLD! Lol!

Thanks for ALL the helps guys!
Try them both and see if you can hear a difference. If you can then go for whichever you prefer. If you can't then get the cheaper of the two. Simples!
Yeah, I gotta buy it first cause its in another state but guitar center will let me have it for 30 days and I can bring it back anytime got any reason!

Also! Kind of a plug but I found this app called Tapatalk! I can check the forums on this app now! Excited! Lol