Looking for an electric piano...HELP!

I've been looking for an electric piano as I started piano lessons and I'm also interested in composing. I'm almost ready to buy a Yamaha (the one that gets a Floppy disk, records in 16 channels,etc.;can't remember it's number now), which has a lot of sounds, rythms, and sounds so natural... Well, I've touched heavier keys, but such a sound... I've also seen Roland and Kawai ones, but I didn't like their sound that much and they had less features. I would go buy it right now, but it took me long to gather my 2,400 euros and I don't wanna spend them without asking first!
So, is there any problem with Yamaha pianos?
A merchant offerd me a nice Kawai with wooden keys and the "Band in a box" software for extra sounds, all for 2,700 euros.Yet I don't find the offer really attractive. Am I right?
Also, I've seen a Roland that's good and gets a board with extra sounds if I want.
I've heard that recording from a piano to a PC using the sounds of the PC takes a lot of time and is not easy. Is this truth?
Have you got anything to suggest?
I need your guidance...and don't let me...FOLLOW THE BLIND!!!
Electric piano? you mean a KEYBOARD? lol. Yamaha makes pretty decent keyboards as far as sound goes. It's best if you get one with weighted keys if you want it to feel natural. -a bit of advice tho: if you can afford a normal piano it's much better then a keyboard, not only because the sound is better but because the value goes up and not down.
No, she means an electric piano. My school has a Yamaha piano, and there's been no problem with it. My girlfriend plays it frequently and it just seems really nice. I'd say to go for it.
Really?...never heard of such a thing. Care to explain what the difference is? Pickups under real strings perhaps?
An electric piano is a keyboard with weighted keys. Some of them have even hammer effect and the sound dynamics are better. Yeah, I know a normal piano is much better, but I want also to attach it to my PC and write my music.
Yesterday, I started thinking of something else: buying a mother keyboard with weighted keys and adding sounds to my PC. It will be much cheaper and it'll do the work. Any good mother keyboard brand?