Looking for Contributors


Child of the Wicked
Oct 27, 2001
Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Hi there. Some of you MAY know me, a couple probably hate my guts, 99% of you don't know me, but that's OK. I am the Owner/Editor of HMAS.org. We've had a storied past of... well... mediocrity and self implosion and late last year we wiped the slate clean, got rid of a lot of dead wood and trouble makers and made a brand new start of it and surprisingly enough without a bunch of BS and politics, our zine is actually much better than it used to be. We're looking for contributors who'd also like to share in that fresh start.

Basically, we're looking for positive and motivated people who can review albums on a weekly basis, conduct interviews, write regular opinion pieces and whatnot as well as people who know more about promotion and PR than I or my staff does. All we are looking for in a contributor is someone who is dependable, knowledgeable and passionate about the material they are covering, witty and can write English decently.

While this ISN'T a paying gig YET, we want to build the site into something that eventually COULD be and we need your help doing it.

Anyone interested can find more information on our homepage at http://www.hmas.org. Thanks for your time. \m/

I want to thank Deron allowing me to shill my site on his dime. He's always been good people.