Looking for Depressive music

Grumble Grumble

We die We all...
Oct 29, 2006
Saginaw,Michigan, USA
Im going through a whole lotta crap right now,friends,family,money,holidays comnig up :puke::erk:

As the title says maybe you could help me out?

I mean we all know the foremost obvious choice, katatonia. thats what really drew me to them their depressive,down,sad lyrics. BUt yea im in the running for stuff like them, Anathema, Blackfield/porcupine tree(some stuff is depressive, even a slight bit im0).

yea anything not listed that you could hook me up with would be greatly appreciated!
Put on Jeff Buckley - Opened Once on repeat for 5 hours....then put on some Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells! Life will be so much better!
i like the fact that you said "life will be so much better"...

I love depressive music, the bummy feeling i get from it actually makes me feel good.. however that works..

heh, thanks for the suggestions though, once i get my computer fixed( and not this POS family computer downstairs) ill be sure to grab it all.
What a lot of the people meantioned above: October Tide, Shining(especially if you are in a miserable mood, also...is wearing submit to self destruction shirt :), rapture, daylight dies

I'm surprised no one meantioned Forgotten Tomb. Their older music is good suicidal dark metal shit.Make a Change...Kill yourself is another good depressive band.Lifelover, Agalloch, Bethlehem, Lurker of Chalice, Xasthur, Amesoeurs, Forgotten Woods(some of their songs).

I recommend Forgotten tomb, shining, lifelover, and agalloch the most. :)
i suggest you some dark, so depressive for me, like

david sylvian (that i adore)
raison d'etre "metamorphyses" (music for falling down)
opera IX- sacro culto (or cadaveria)
dark sanctuary-funeral cry
empyrium- weiland

hope you kinda like it
ooohh now im excited to get my pc fixed! so much music to check out/download/buy etc etc.

also yea i TOTALLy forgot to list agalloch, phenominal band, next to nevermore the only american band i really care for.
there's a lot of good stuff already metioned... ill add:

riverside - out of myself
xasthur - Suicide in Dark Serenity (awesome awesome stuff)
tenhi - maaaet (not metal, more folk but the most gloomy sad stab-myself-in-the-chest-out-of-misery depressing shit i've ever heard)

also, check out out To Wait by The Loveless ( can be downloaded from official site here)
Evoken should do the trick.

Saturnus should absolutely be thrown in that playlist. Fall of Empyrean if you can find any. Dredg could make your day a little brighter possibly. Same Ol' Road especially, actually all of El Cielo is amazing. Ulver could work, too. Hmm, I'm rambling in this post. Antimatter! Moonsorrow... Moonspell. Listen to Pink Floyd. The Wall works nicely. Red Sparowes and Isis together is great, Neurosis...hmm....

That's all I can come up with besides what's been mentioned.
Swallow the Sun, Insomnium, Godspeed you black emperor(some of this shit is too depressing in a good way), The foreshadowing, The loveless, Novembers Doom...don't think those were mentioned
Damn it, the best stuff has already been mentioned ^^

Other good stuff:
Nortt (though it's kinda ambient)
Xasthur, like said before
Immortal - Pure Holocaust (has some depressive feel)

Hm, I actually thought I would know more depressive bands than that.
I have to search deeper...