Looking for input on new gear


462 Studio
Apr 26, 2006
Hey all,

I've recently put together a gearlist for my small project place. I'm noticing what I think are some serious gaps in my equipment.

My first thoughts are microphones. Thinking that I need an Audix D6 or a Shure SM7B as my next major purchases to help round out my available gear.

Any opinions from looking at my gearlist on here? The the Audix and the SM7 really seemed to jump out at me as an immediate "hey where the fuck are those" when I read over it. Haha. :lol: http://www.myspace.com/462studio
This might sound stupid, but got decent acoustic treatment already?

Some well placed furniture mixed in with some Auralex here and there to tame flutter. My place is currently up for sale and I'm hoping to eventually move into a bigger house with either a better space to start from scratch in for a basement, or build a outbuilding specifically for recording, so the acoustic treatment thing is kind of on hold for the time being.
Audix D6 looks like a good mic to add.

You don't have a true high end LDC either, but for metal vocals an SM7 would be more usefull (not that I've ever tried one, just reading through here looking at all the praise.)

+1 on spending a lot on acoustic treatment.

I'm looking at your list and theres a lot of things I could recommend. I'm a huge fan of SM81s. They sound a lot better than the AT4040s or the 414s Ive used on overheads (at least for metal) and they sound KILLER on acoustic guitar.
Also, do a little research on the SM91 for kick drum instead of the D6. You might find you lean one way or another but both are ace.
And I agree with Joematthews on the LDC you never know when you'll need one