Looking for Internet Band Members

Looks like we might be able to do B-standard then. I'm not sure what equipment A Poor Musician has though, we'll see what he says. As for tone I don't use much if any wet sound on the shredd/solo tone. I'm not sure how he wants to begin song writing, a different tone may come to mind once I see what the music is going to be like. Maybe I'll post a riff or solo of mine tonight or something. :)
Guitarists - 2
A Poor Musician
Vacant Planets

Bassist - 1

Drummer - 1

Nissan? (I can't get in contact with him)

Vocals - 2?
Vacant Planets
"I think we should shoot for vocals that are harsher than the usual prog stuff, but not as harsh as the DM style, something inbetween with occassional harsher parts for intense parts of songs."

"I also agree with you guys. Also, I always thought it was cool when there is clean or high pitch vocals that underlayed a harsh style of vocals for choruses or when there is a new verse."

Updated: 16th May 2007

I've got a 6 string Jackson DKMG with a Boss ME-50 multi effects pedal. B standard tuning wouldn't sound too great on the 6 string especially because I don't use high gauge strings.
Lets rule out the Modern thrash sound right now because with dirty and clean vocals it instantly brings hardcore to mind. I think something interesting would be like the Prog guitar arragements, like Symphony X guitar stuff to the BM drummming. It would certainly be much more unique.
Sounds good. I know Vacant Planet already said he could write the music and post here online so I was wondering what music writing software, if any, you have and if anyone else had any ideas on how we should write music.
We could use something as simple as Power tabs for bass and guitar, there is lots of stuff out there to do this with. Any midi program will do, must other do include drums though too. As soon as I finish my song, probably this weekend, I will begin posting and writing riffs. Then we can select ones you guys like, but first we can talk about a few things, like what feel would we like on this first track, just something heavy. Technical? Usually my stuff is a bit on the technical side. A big one is do we want to go with the standard 4/4? I'll tinker and see what happens.
Technical stuff is always fine with me. Considering wether it should be 4/4 or not, lets just see what happens. You could always change time signatures in the middle of the song.
Alright I will begin tinkering....now. lol For solos I want to try somethying like 20/16 lol. If that's alright wirh everyone. :)
Why not have one of the guitarist start the ball rolling structure wise. Lead guitarist can put some interesting stuff over it. Then base, then drummer puts his stuff over it. At this point there's not communication between the musicians, and little cohesion - this should create a really interesting outcome if everyone tries to bring something to the table. Then when the product is finished all members can listen to it, make suggestions, refine etc etc (all the shit that gets done in a normal band) to a give a more well-rounded sound. After however much reform we thing is necessary, we have finished song. Then we thing about quality, production, etc etc.

Sounds sweet to me. What does everyone think?
Lets rule out the Modern thrash sound right now because with dirty and clean vocals it instantly brings hardcore to mind. I think something interesting would be like the Prog guitar arragements, like Symphony X guitar stuff to the BM drummming. It would certainly be much more unique.
Blast? I can do that haha
Why not have one of the guitarist start the ball rolling structure wise. Lead guitarist can put some interesting stuff over it. Then base, then drummer puts his stuff over it. At this point there's not communication between the musicians, and little cohesion - this should create a really interesting outcome if everyone tries to bring something to the table. Then when the product is finished all members can listen to it, make suggestions, refine etc etc (all the shit that gets done in a normal band) to a give a more well-rounded sound. After however much reform we thing is necessary, we have finished song. Then we thing about quality, production, etc etc.

Sounds sweet to me. What does everyone think?

Basically I am going to post some combinations of riffs and you guys can tell me what you think, then once we form a couple of riffs we can do it in steps that you mention. Bass then drums and last vocals.