Looking for Nevermore songs without vocals

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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OK all you musicians out there, does anyone have any Nevermore covers they have recorded without vocals?
I have been wanting to cover a Nevermore tune but it's kind of tough without a band. I have thought of maybe doing acapella versions but didn't think it would have the same impact. Maybe a barber shop quartet style version of Seven Tongues of God? :tickled:
Let me know if anyone has stuff they could email me in some Audio format.
The_Children_of_Decadence said:
ask more simple!
Sorry, did I confuse everyone?

Ok, let me see if I can ask my question a little simpler.

Are there any musicians out there who have recorded Nevermore songs that can give me a copy without vocals?
I want to put my vocals on the songs.

Hope that hleped.