Nevermore in Scottsdale, AZ


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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First, I was impressed because they already had to move the show to a bigger venue. And the second venue, the Cajun House, sold out. Five years ago when I saw Nevermore with Iced Earth it was at the Mason Jar, which if you're lucky can hold 250 people and maybe 180 people were there maximum. The scene has been increasing dramatically around here.

First, the Cajun House has pretty much some of the best sound for this type of venue in the state, so no band was robbed of quality here. At most the vocals were cut slightly lower but only for Dimmu, so not the biggest loss.

Hypocrisy- nothing too horribly exciting visually, but the music rocks and they played several songs I really like. The new song they played of the forthcoming album sounds pretty wicked, will be checking that out.

Children of Dodom- Laiho is shredder, no doubt about it. Seeing his whole Rhandy Rhoades guitar histrionics is a refreshing change, and the band was fucking tight. My one complaint: no songs off of Something Wicked.

Nevermore- honestly best fucking performance of the night. The band was tight as shit, the sound was fucking razor sharp and Warrel was in great form. Set list
Narcosynthesis, Seven Toungues of God, Never Purify, Sound of Silence, Ambivalent, and Enemies of Reality. I think most of the fans were there for Dimmu Burger but Nevermore one some converts by the end of the night. Without a doubt the single heaviest non-death/black band out there.

Dimmu Burger *with cheese*- they're fun live. Nick Barker is a drum monster and never missed a single beat. This was my first chance to hear the new stuff and it sounds like some brutal thrash stuff. Definite quality as a whole, but it's the second time I've seen them so I knew what to expect.

The only low points of the night were the price they charged for Jagermeister and the fact that the loser assclown who kept trying to push in front of me kept answering calls on his cellphone. Who the fuck wants to talk on a cellphone at a METAL show. Pussy.
I was at that show, I was pretty fucking loud during Nevermore...I sang along with it the whole way. Some guy next to me said, "Take these pussies out, PUT THE REAL MEN ON!!!." So I pushed him into a huge Indian, and the Indian took care of it from there. Awesome night though I did get smashed during Dimmu, hehe.
They Play Seven Tongues of God??? WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! I'm seeing them tomorrow night.....can't wait! I saw them a couple of years ago with In Flames and they are REALLY tight! I've seen Dimmu twice..they seem to be able to clear a venue out faster than any band I've seen up here, I guess people just aren't into Black Metal up here...I love Dimmu though...all the jackasses that leave before they come on are missin out! I'm looking forward to Nevermore the most though..I wish they were headlining.
Necromunchkin said:
First, I was impressed because they already had to move the show to a bigger venue. And the second venue, the Cajun House, sold out. Five years ago when I saw Nevermore with Iced Earth it was at the Mason Jar, which if you're lucky can hold 250 people and maybe 180 people were there maximum. The scene has been increasing dramatically around here.

First, the Cajun House has pretty much some of the best sound for this type of venue in the state, so no band was robbed of quality here. At most the vocals were cut slightly lower but only for Dimmu, so not the biggest loss.

Hypocrisy- nothing too horribly exciting visually, but the music rocks and they played several songs I really like. The new song they played of the forthcoming album sounds pretty wicked, will be checking that out.

Children of Dodom- Laiho is shredder, no doubt about it. Seeing his whole Rhandy Rhoades guitar histrionics is a refreshing change, and the band was fucking tight. My one complaint: no songs off of Something Wicked.

Nevermore- honestly best fucking performance of the night. The band was tight as shit, the sound was fucking razor sharp and Warrel was in great form. Set list
Narcosynthesis, Seven Toungues of God, Never Purify, Sound of Silence, Ambivalent, and Enemies of Reality. I think most of the fans were there for Dimmu Burger but Nevermore one some converts by the end of the night. Without a doubt the single heaviest non-death/black band out there.

Dimmu Burger *with cheese*- they're fun live. Nick Barker is a drum monster and never missed a single beat. This was my first chance to hear the new stuff and it sounds like some brutal thrash stuff. Definite quality as a whole, but it's the second time I've seen them so I knew what to expect.

The only low points of the night were the price they charged for Jagermeister and the fact that the loser assclown who kept trying to push in front of me kept answering calls on his cellphone. Who the fuck wants to talk on a cellphone at a METAL show. Pussy.
I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nevermore should of been headlining that shit, they only played 5 songs WTF. This was my first nevermore show. *whipes tear*

Hey Necro did u see the dumbass with the blue lightsaver, lol.?
Point one- never type drunk. I know that it's Children of _B_odom and that it's Something Wild. But after enough pints, I was just fucking happy to be able to find the keyboard.

Oh, Blue Lightsaber dude who looked like he was wearing a Boyscout shirt? Yeah, saw him. Weird fucker.

The sad part was that Nevermore was probably the least popular band on the bill, as for some reason AZ tends to be a death/black metal state. But Nevermore were nonetheless able to rip shit up proper enough that even the nonbelievers seemed convinced.
I also left two songs off of Nevermore's set. They also played The River Dragon and I, Voyager. All in all, a badass set. Wouldn't have minded a song or two off of Dreaming Neon Black, though.