Looking for OLLLLD photos


Perth Australian Doomster
Sep 8, 2004
Perth, Australia
Looking for old photos [or even better good sized SCANS or even Photocopy] of OLD Katatonia (corpsepaint etc...)
There are some around on the internet but ideally id love to get a photocopy of some of the old inlays or something. This is for personal enjoyment as a fan of a lot of rawer Black Metal etc... "the old ways" you could even say... Anyways, if any one can help out in any way it would be greatly appreciated.

I am sure Id have some material I can dub in terms of some form of payment, or something/some way to repay or whatever, although there are always ways to work things out if thats ever an issue.

I know somone on here atleast would have some!! Atleast Id like to think so.
Thanks, As i said earlier, there are many on the internet, but I am more
specifically looking for scans or a photocopy of some old inlays, thanks
none the less though !! :)

Ok... Does this look like its going to turn into some "debate" on "genre" ???

My saying "raw black metal" was not in SPECIFIC relation to old Katatonia AS SUCH, however, I would say that early Katatonia DID (at one point in time, the "era" (ideology/image etc) that I am in particular referring to in general here) fit into Black Metal MORE than anything else. This is why i used "etc..." in the immediate proximity of the words BLACK METAL.

What exactly is your point? I suppose youd also say "how is old Opeth death metal exactly?" given that old opeth WAS Death Metal [i am talking about demo/rehearsal stuff before you try to start arguing here...] or are you one of those people that knows that Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are "black metal" and dont really have much clue about something like a band like Xerasia or Embryonic or Emperor ? and this leads to you asking something like that?

Cold and Hot, two extremes, both burn - does that mean when you say the cold burnt like fire, that the temperature of the coldness is hot like fire? No.

Anyhow - peace all!
Wonder if anything will surface from this haha!
Early Katatonia were definitely, without a shadow of the slightest doubt, black metal and black metal only.

Here's one of Blackheim that isn't on the site posted:


Oh, and don't write to that address; Blakkheim doesn't live with his mother anymore. :)
@Anthony: :D "бляхамуха,аглицкий забыл!"
вот такого вида потребителя ещё не знала :tickled:
Anthony said:
Òû î ÷¸ì? Î ìî¸ì êîììåíòå ê ôîòêå? Ïðîñòî ÿ ëþáëþ êàòàòîíèþ è íå ëþáëþ èõ "çëûå" óæèìêè=)

@Anthony: äà íåò, êîììåíò äàæå î÷åíü êñòàòè! ëó÷øå íå ñêàçàòü =)
ìåíÿ "ïîäïèñü" ïîä òâîåì èìåíåì (ñëåâî) òàê ãëóáîêî âïå÷àòëèëà :loco:

p.s. okay, sorry for not wirting in english again :Smug: