looking for the 1st cd

Tank101 said:
I/m trying to look for the 1st power of omens cd. If anybody had any info
on where i can get it please let me know.
Heya Tino...

Last I heard, Rick over at CD Trader, on Perin Beitel, had a copy left... not sure if he still does though... however, let me warn you, his price is pretty high for it $25... other than him, the only other place that I know of is Ebay. It pops up every now and then. Best of Luck...and let us know if you happen to find it.

Thanks for the response guys. I was about to go to cd trader
and get that copy. Guess i dont have to sell my blood to get it . lol. I'll just wait
for the goods then. Thanks again Deron and Dave.

Yep, the first is great! I have the origional and I am also waiting for the re-master too! As far as debuts go, I think Eyes... is outstanding! A must have by all PofO cronies!

FYI: I bought my origional from Hard'n Heavy

v01c354nd51gn5 said:
is there a set date in 2004 that the re-release is scheduled for yet?
Well we're waiting to hear from Deron on that.... last he said to us was that he wanted a 1st quarter release... but that was a few months ago, and we're still waiting to see when he wants to release it... as soon as I get the word from him and iron out a few legal details... we'll send over the masters. ;)

Ken used to laugh when I'd have to buy copies from him cuz Elevate was so worthless at sending cds to the band..*chuckle*