Looking to buy a PC for recording...


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Let me start off with what I'm using now:

Mac Dual 1.42 Ghz PPC G4 with 4GB of RAM

I plan on running PT 7.4.2 (may at some point upgrade to 8). All I've got right now is an MBox2. I plan on getting either SSD or Superior for drums and using PodFarm and other amp sims, etc. Basically I'm doing everything in the box at this point because I live in a small apartment and can't crank any amps or anything like that.

I'm planning on making the switch back to PC, mostly for financial reasons. I'd like to hear some thoughts on what you buy today if you had about an $1100 budget for a PC.

Also, I'm not really sure if I'd be comfortable building a PC or not, I'm somewhat handy with electronics and all that jazz (engineering background) but I've never built a PC before.

Thanks a ton.
While solid state disks are pretty fast because they have no moving parts, they only have a limited amount of read write cycles and since recording IS reading and writing, you'll be left with a disk that doesn't work after a short amount of time. If the reading and writing thing wasn't so limited I would have an SSD yesterday!

Just my 2 cents. Correct me if I'm wrong.