Looking to immigrate, suggestions?


Dec 7, 2008
Waterford, Ireland
Hey guys, I'm currently working in the IT sector in Ireland and am looking to immigrate.
I'm well aware of the current economic troubles but that is not a concern for me.
I'd love to hear what you're country is like, are there many jobs in IT, average wage for IT, what's the weather & food like etc.?
I've been thinking about fuckin off to Australia, but am keeping my options open. So please, let me hear 'em!
ahaha. Here I am, stumbling upon this thread and thinking to myself 'I'd better chip in and keep this poor bugger away from Oz', only to read that's one of your main contenders.

An English speaking country would likely be easiest for you, but the options aren't great. Australia is very remote, with a horrible climate, total clusterfuck of nationalities that all hate each other, general assorted scum, inflated prices, some kind of false national pride and a general melting pot of different culture's cuisines. I've been told unanimously by Australians who've visited England that it's 'full of scum' and to be avoided like the plague. The main other option is the US. That kind of says it all, so pick your poison really. Also, you Irish folk really don't tend to get along well with the climate over here in Oz, so even for the sake of your skin consider somewhere cooler.

My favorite country to live in so far has been Germany. I quite like it there, and have always had a respect for the culture and sort of technical and efficient nature about it. Beyond that I imagine scandinavia is a great place to scope out and visit. From what I hear most of the people there speak English better than we do.

Anyhow, all the best with your choice. I hope you stumble upon something that works for you.
Hey man, cheers for the reply. Yeah, us Irish suck when it comes to the heat alright. It's a bitch to get a Green Card/Visa for the States, so I'm not even gonna bother trying!
I've heard great things about Germany too, but unfortunately I don't see many English speaking jobs. Apparently Luxemberg is very similar to Germany only with higher pay!
People have said that the further south you go from there, the more the wages tend to decrease (Italy, Spain, Portugal etc.)
So I'm really not sure!
If you consider Germany make a short trip beforehand.

I'd suggest my area, that is Cologne/Düsseldorf and the likes. Mediacity.
Especially for IT and there is lots of jobs on the street, if you can't get one here, you won't find one anywhere else ;)

Wages..hmm, that depends on your qualifications and stuff, generall I would say anywhere from 1.5k EUR to 3.5k EUR pre-tax, you see, can't be more precise here.

And the weather is pretty straight, in winter it is cold and in summer it tends to be hot. Pretty classic. Where I live temperatures go from below zero up to 30 degrees max in summer. Most of the time it is around 15-20 degrees I'd say.

People are nice and tolerant, absolutely no racial issues here whatsoever.
I'd say give it a shot but I have to warn you, working in IT is especially chaotic and stressful at times!
I hear ya DigitalDeath....am getting my arse out of Ireland very soon myself and work in a similar field to yours. It's a nightmare hear at the moment and as good a time as any to get out. As a lot of people are saying right now, Ireland is only a "c" and six months away from being Iceland. We're fucked!

I'm moving back to Oz after having lived in the UK, Ireland and the US for the last 12 years. It's by no means perfect and I'm not 100% sure that I'll stay there but it's a darn site better than Dublin right now. I'll be out of here within 6-8 weeks.

The UK is just as screwed as Ireland right now and the US is tough on the ol' immigration front. I'd recommend the Luxembourg or Brussels options for IT work. A colleague of mine just landed a Project Management role in Frankfurt so is going too....
there's a lot of IT work over here in Belgium and its a nice place to live too.

A friend of mine studied IT and got a job offer even before he graduated. He got a company car, laptop, cell, health insurance and foodcheques and a really high salary.
there's a lot of IT work over here in Belgium and its a nice place to live too.

A friend of mine studied IT and got a job offer even before he graduated. He got a company car, laptop, cell, health insurance and foodcheques and a really high salary.

Sounds great, but from looking at jobs online it seems that finding English speaking jobs is a bit tricky in central Europe. Would you agree?
Irishmen willing to go to Australia? Coming from a historical context....just how bad is Dublin?

And that's not knocking Oz whatsoever, just the history between the two countries.
Sounds great, but from looking at jobs online it seems that finding English speaking jobs is a bit tricky in central Europe. Would you agree?

Brussels is full of international companies where they speak english. And you can always work for the NATO or the EU or one of the other big organizations
Irishmen willing to go to Australia? Coming from a historical context....just how bad is Dublin?

And that's not knocking Oz whatsoever, just the history between the two countries.

The Irish and Aussies don't really have a history. I believe you're thinking of the Irish and English! I live in a city in the south-east of Ireland, I just don't really like Dublin and so have no desire to move there.

Thanks for the tips Let It Burn, I'll be sure to check them out!
Irishmen willing to go to Australia? Coming from a historical context....just how bad is Dublin?

And that's not knocking Oz whatsoever, just the history between the two countries.

Man not sure what your getting at (Is it that oz stated life as a penial colony for a lot of irish???) a shit ton of irish emigrate to australia hell half my class from college are over there now its like the thing to do here after you finish college go to australia for a year or two and come home its been like that long as i can remember
Man not sure what your getting at (Is it that oz stated life as a penial colony for a lot of irish???) a shit ton of irish emigrate to australia hell half my class from college are over there now its like the thing to do here after you finish college go to australia for a year or two and come home its been like that long as i can remember

I was under the impression that it was the British that sent over 150,000 convicts to Australia. Some of them may have been Irish, yes, serving time in British prisons. The British transported them there to ease the pressure on their prisons, or so I always assumed...

Yeah I know it's the 'cool' thing to do, but everyone just goes there for like a year or something, working some shite job, then come home again. I have a career here in Ireland and am looking to continue it.