Loomis' guest spot on the new God Forbid

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
In case, for some reason, you haven't heard it, its fucking awesome, and you should check it out.

He performs the outro solo on Soul Engraved.

It's a badass CD, so buy it now.

dead6skin6mask6 said:
God Forbid's vocalist isnt as bad as Shadows Fall and Killswitch... i actually like GF
hmmm i disagree... SF has back up screams/growls and a bunch of clean vox.... nice variety in KsE too... but ya know, its all taste
So, check out the new shit, and see if you still think that way. They've varied it up a bit. I still think that when it comes down to the thick of it, and its the music that counts... that they kick the fucking shit out of KSE and Shads and LoG and Chimaira... holding down the fort as the best american metal band out there... OF THEIR GENRE... Neverscore doesnt count.. their genre's different.