Lordi wins ESC - Bodom takes part next year?

Joonas Lehtonen said:
The guy on the right is an Alexi poseur!! :p Just with black hair. Get an own style dude..

Nope, that actually is Alexi ^^ Just a very old picture, probably from the Something Wild -time. I've seen it before. And that pic of Henkka is pretty old too, I think.

Heh, I wonder why the Sun thinks that they are Lordi members XD There was an article about it in a Swedish newspaper too, but then they had the real unmasked members on them. It surprised me that only the singer and the keybordist had long hair :lol:
Joonas Lehtonen said:
The guy on the right is an Alexi poseur!! :p Just with black hair. Get an own style dude..

Fuck, I just quickly cruised thru this thread and saw the link, thought it was a pic of Lordi, but couldn't believe my eyes because the guy looked like Alexi.. Fucking dumbasses :lol: Some fucking amateur German rumour magazine, right? They just keep embarrasing themselves..