Lost my fighting spirit


Warrior spirit
Apr 4, 2002
Under nordlyset
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Have you ever experienced events so ground-shaking you've lost all your will to fight on? I mean, as in just giving in 100% ?
What did you do? I, for one, have gone through all kinds of shit, but right now, I've lost my fihting spirit. I can't see any reasons to go on.
Trying not to whine, but still, what do you people do when you just feel you can't be bothered going on?
I do absolutley nothing.... Some way or another you get
out of this shitty phase that you're in, or at least I do...
I always say I'm just floating through life, and it's true. I
have huge ups, and LOW downs, but somehow I always
get through it. There is nothing I feel can help me.
Music maybe... It's always been music.....

Anything you feel like sharing with us Vanir? I'd love to
hear what's bugging you so we can try to fight it
together :eek:)
Well, just kind of got left. Which is never too amusing. So I wanted to try finding out what others do when they want to carve themselves up, more than anything else.
I know I'll be back on top in a while, from a few days to a few months, but still. Anything to prevent myself from getting too nasty scars. Both on my body and my mind.
Well, I've been that way too, and I am right now. Sometimes you're up, and sometimes your down. And when you're up, you feel it's not good enough, and when you're down, you feel like you're never going to be up again. But life goes on. I mean, lots of stuff happens, and I know you can't just clap your hands and forget about it, but try finding someone to talk to. There's usually someone around for me to talk to. Just let it all out, write a poem, listen to music... Just do anything you can that'll make you realize that there are worse things. I hope this was of some help, but I'm not exactly the best at this. I've got many girl problems that I need to deal with...
I agree with DeadWinterDead that talking to someone can make a lot of differance, atleast with some of the situations I have been in. Music also helps me get through these times when talking will not help. I don't know what your going through Vanir but I hope you will take it easy and feel better soon.
Thankfully I haven't been real depressed for about 3 years now, but I had my share of troubles before. 2 things pulled me through, both related to good friends.

1) with respect to scars to the body, my friends were worried about me, and at one point I promised them I wouldn't cut myself. And I stuck to it, just for their sake, not mine.

2) Friends that understand you, your problems, and can make you smile, are invaluable. Such friends are difficult to find, believe me, but if you do, they make a big difference.
These states of mind illness are like a sine curve, you just have to hang in there until the next rising wave, I´ve had quite some experiences myself(as everybody I guess) and have manished to keep my focus on the positive sides of life, hell you can turn everything to shit just philosophize upon bad things..the snowball..in motion.....you know.

Even if there´s alot of darkness(in many forms) there´s enough stars to light it up, "happy pills" can be a temporary solution, but in the long run you have to take those demons to court, and deal with them as the soul masticators they are.

Our own existence make us question, and enchant the coldest voids of our thinking, but those corners should be a thrill to explore, maybe you just have to accept some limitation in the expension of your mind?, i surley haven´t come there..hehe...

Mankind have done so many repulsive things to eachother and themselves, isn´t it time to put our stupid daily agenda away and start to Live, we should be in Bloom..............hang in there..........
well, I guess this is one thread were I could atleast TRY to make some good things...;)

@Vanir... Sometimes life sucks. That´s frekkin it. I´ve been there many times, as I guess most of the ppl listening to this kinda music (dunno why, that just seems to be the case).
I´ve been carving my arms in vain, trying to empty my arteries from the pain. The only result beeing that I felt even worse. The temporary relief is replaced by this feeling of hopelessity, and the evil circle is spinning one more round.

Some ppl need help to get along, and that is always what I tend to reccomend, eventhough I can´t get help from others. I am quite happy with my life as it is now, and I have been for the last qouple of years actually. I still get downs, but they are not nearly as deep as they used to be, I mean, I could be like "gone" from any social contact and happines for half a year. The only things that helped me were, in the end, books, music (lotsa muisc), writing and my best friend Mattias.
Those factors combined with time was what helped me, and I "know" that you´ll get along, as long as you don´t give in.

Keep it going, the motivation will get there, probably with this summer, since summer and light seems to be very helpfull... If you need to talk, talk to someone! I´ll help ya out if I can!

Take care.

Think everyone goes through deep shit now and then in life time. I have been through really deep shit, but I'm still standing tall! Music was my greatest help getting through bad times, help of my family and my friends, it was good, very good to talk about it. And I cried when I felt like it. No matter how deep I was falling, I always got up and carried on walking. You learn from your bad experience, life is so beautiful, it's worth living every second! See the beauty of nature, every little piece... go out an just breath in this beautiful nature... and if you feel like screaming, scream out your pain... the nature will understand you...
And remember what Vintersorg said about "happy pills". I totally agree with him!!!

Mind if I ask how old you are?
Well, thanks a lot... :)
I feel much better right now, don't ask why... 'cause I honestly don't know. When going from a state of total depression, to ignorance, and then getting over it.. I suppose I'm just happy to be around, for some reason.
All the advice you've given was followed, in some sort, and will be kept in mind for nexy yime. There will always be a next time, and thinking one can stay on top is foolish.

I enjoy nature, a lot, it's one of the few things mankind hasn't totally destroyed yet. The stars is what impress and affects me the most, so pure and clean, completely untainted by man.
And pills is not an options, not for me. Even in my farkest hour, I have my principles. Drugging my mind and my senses is not something I willingly subject myself to.
And yes, friends are important. Very much so. It was one of my friends that talked me back to my senses this time. Friends, true griends, that actually care.. it's a rarity.
But again, thank you very much for, well, everything :) I feel better yet from reading this.
That is great to hear...:) the board loves you all :D

-phyros (now I should be sleeping, really, no kiddin´)
I am glad you feel better, Vanir.

I have been through depressing times in my life before, and had to do drastic actions to get through them.

Life is sometimes very gloomy, but there is much beauty amist being alive.
glad you feel better Vanir
I came in a little late, but this really helps me; writing lyrics about what make you feel down... you can get some really depressing and personal lyrics out of that...
and it helps to talk to ppl... it helps just to get answers from ppl in here, even though you dont 'know' them/us, it helps.. I know :)
Write a song about it. In swedish if you can.]

But seriously, music is the number 1 drug you can use to get out of this shit, you dont even have to be a musician just write some poem and/or use some short of keyboard and play something you like, something very sad, something that almost makes you cry.

Just think about how good or bad can listening to a depressing song can be, its 1000 better when you write such song.
Hmmm, for those cases, it is always good to have friends how might show up opportunities you maybe have not seen before, or just to help you through it :)

Or, if it's not sooo serious (maybe a short depressive phase...) there's some music that helps me, or drawing something, just feeeling like I'm doing something useful, helps, too :)
Good to hear your well again Vanir!

As for me music helps a lot when im in that "down" state. It kinda makes me focus on other things, when my grandmother had a really bad surgery last year and i was really upset, I actually listened to In Flames - A Dialouge with the Stars, and it helped me stop being so upset and relax a bit and go to sleep.

I think the idea is to do things you enjoy or things that bring out the better qualities of you, whether that be something creative, as making music or lyrics, or just doing things you enjoy. Writing can help a lot because it almost "purges" your system of bad thoughts and feelings, transfering them to more useful things as writings.

These are just a few things I do to help me, never let depression bring ya down, otherwise your hole gets deeper and deeper. JUST LISTEN TO VINTERSORG :D