princess_of_the_night2112 said:
That Sawyer one is a right bad yin isn't he. Tell you something, you wouldn't have to ask me twice to give him a kiss - WOW he's delicious. Definitely my favourite character in the programme - Mmmmm yum yum!!!!

He is a bit of a looker, yeah (I like his hair as well!) but I prefer Jack...nice chap and good looking with it :) I don't like bad boys! :D That Sawyer deserved his good hiding!! Anyone would think this was real life, wouldn't they? lol
Sammi951 said:
He is a bit of a looker, yeah (I like his hair as well!) but I prefer Jack...nice chap and good looking with it :) I don't like bad boys! :D That Sawyer deserved his good hiding!! Anyone would think this was real life, wouldn't they? lol


Here you go ladies! But I know you all prefer Hurley!

Sammi951 said:
I prefer Jack...nice chap and good looking with it :) I don't like bad boys! :D

Yes Sammi Jack's a bit of alright as well, I definitely wouldn't say NO to either of them. The only thing wrong with Jack is that he is toooooooo nicey nice for me - I always seem to go for the bad yins!!!!

Thanks Tony for the photos, he is sooo hot, so hot in fact that I need to go change my underwear now LOL!!!!! That Hurley one is some size though - but I like him,, he's funny. I'm hoping that by the end of the first series, he should have dropped a few stones in weight, what with being stranded on that island with practically no food!!!!!
The plot just keeps getting weirder with every episode. Hurley's weight is discussed in one of the last few episodes.

How many shows have you guys seen so far? What happened in the last episode you guys saw?
It's definitely worth watching...keep watching...this show gets better and better.

The first two episodes of season two are really good.

You can have Sawyer and Jack...I'll take Kate:) lol
I think I've worked out what it's all about. Right enough, every week I seem to think it's something else. Last episode I saw was mostly all about the pregant lassie, Claire I think. How she was going to give her baby up for adoption and that psychic guy kept telling her that it must just be her that brings the baby up etc etc. The bottom line is that I think the baby is the devil's spawn and as she was on her way to America to hand over the baby to its adoptive parents, the plane crashes to stop her giving baby away. So I think Clare has obviously been getting it on with the devil..........or something like that.