
Mar 9, 2002
I've just realised my last couple of posts have been about downloading illegally so sorry about that.
So does anyone know where i can download the new episodes of lost? I've tried a few times on Limewire but the first one turned out to be an episode from the first series, the 2nd download was lesbian porn :headbang: RESULT!
I'd still quite like the new series though.
yeah i went through all the trouble of tracking them down and downloading loading them last year before I realized they were streamed.
Mickenglanduk said:
Forget Lost, watch the porn:lol:

I had a wee look at the porn last nite when the Mrs was out :lol:
Its bloody weird, the woman are using some turbo charged dildo attatched to to some big machine.. Transformer porn if you like, still they seemed to enjoy it :rolleyes:
Sounds like a tripped-out episode of "Mythbusters" to me.

Jock, check your PM if you haven't already - that might be the answer you were looking for.
jdelpi said:
Yeah, many torrent sites have current TV episodes available for download, sometimes within minutes of the show finishing. Mininova is one of the better ones where you don't have to sign up. Torrent Leech is great, too, as the downloads are usually pretty good quality, but you have to sign up, and there's sometimes a waiting list for new members. (It's still free though)

I prefer BitComet myself, but there's a lot of torrent programs out there, so use whatever you like best.
As to your original comment of "illegal" downloading, I'm not sure what TV's stance is on downloading anyway. I know some people in the TV industry are all for it (like the creators of South Park actually encourage it, and as has already pointed out, some stations make their popular shows readily available online). I think most people will catch it on TV anyway if they can, so I don't think downloading will be cutting in to ratings, but if someone misses a few episodes and catches up on them by downloading, and then procedes to watch future episodes when they air, that would actually increase ratings. I guess the other argument would be cutting in to DVD sales, but I'm not sure how big an issue that would be either...if you like a series enough that you would want to watch episodes over and over again, are you going to watch a crappy downloaded version over and over again, or get the DVD?
nafnikufesin said:
As to your original comment of "illegal" downloading, I'm not sure what TV's stance is on downloading anyway. I know some people in the TV industry are all for it (like the creators of South Park actually encourage it, and as has already pointed out, some stations make their popular shows readily available online). I think most people will catch it on TV anyway if they can, so I don't think downloading will be cutting in to ratings, but if someone misses a few episodes and catches up on them by downloading, and then procedes to watch future episodes when they air, that would actually increase ratings. I guess the other argument would be cutting in to DVD sales, but I'm not sure how big an issue that would be either...if you like a series enough that you would want to watch episodes over and over again, are you going to watch a crappy downloaded version over and over again, or get the DVD?

I would be curious how many people download TV shows. It seems like the number would be rather insignificant in the whole scheme of things. I've downloaded all the episodes of the Simpsons but I will always buy the box sets as soon as they come out. Penn of Penn & Teller said he doesn't care if people download their Showtime show Bullshit! because it helps promote their Vegas act. (and who the hell has Showtime?) Of course, there are more people with a financial stake in TV shows then just the writers/stars.

Now, I can see a problem with bit torrent sites having DVD rips available for download. (Usually they're compressed from dual layer to single layer.)

When it comes to Sopranos, I just get the box sets from the library or borrow them from my boss. I'm not paying $60 to $90 for 13 episodes of a TV show. It's just not happening. Sorry, HBO.
nafnikufesin said:
As to your original comment of "illegal" downloading, I'm not sure what TV's stance is on downloading anyway. I know some people in the TV industry are all for it (like the creators of South Park actually encourage it, and as has already pointed out, some stations make their popular shows readily available online). I think most people will catch it on TV anyway if they can, so I don't think downloading will be cutting in to ratings, but if someone misses a few episodes and catches up on them by downloading, and then procedes to watch future episodes when they air, that would actually increase ratings. I guess the other argument would be cutting in to DVD sales, but I'm not sure how big an issue that would be either...if you like a series enough that you would want to watch episodes over and over again, are you going to watch a crappy downloaded version over and over again, or get the DVD?

Another thing I thought of...

If they want to help with DVD sales, they need to put bonus crap in the box sets. I just got Penn & Teller's Bullshit! season 3 and there are next to no bonus features (just like season 2). On the other hand, the second season of The Office (USA) is loaded with bonus features, and that definitely makes me a happy buyer.

Some bonus features I'll probably never even get to watching or listening to, like the commentary in the Simpsons episodes, but it's nice to know it's there.