Lost Finale , Holy Shit ! (SPOILERS)


Oct 10, 2009
Who saw it? What the hell do you think happened? I personally really liked it , I kinda knew they were gonna go with a purgatory / afterlife theme since season 1... Let's talk about everyone's theories about what happened in the final episode! I think they didn't all die in the plane crash , but died when they did on the island ... for instance Mr. Eko was a drug dealer responsible for his brother's death (IIRC) and then when he redeemed himself was killed by Smokey and "passed on". Some of them made it off on the plane , and when they died later in life they all met up in their personal "heaven". Ben stayed outside because he was not yet ready to admit he was dead and pass on... he was not yet at peace.
I get the reasoning behind the "personal heaven" (well, group heaven) theory, but it's pretty fucked up that in their afterlife nobody except Rose and Bernard are with the person they love, one is divorced with a son who apparently doesn't exist and a father who managed to die a second time, one is crippled and blames himself for his father being a vegetable, at least one is a murderer, one has a contract put on his life by his secret girlfriend's father, etc etc. :lol:
It finally finished? Anyone want to do a quick plot summary of the WHOLE THING? ;p I stopped watching halfway thru the second season after I figured they'd given up the original plot and were just dragging it on cos it was popular.
I get the reasoning behind the "personal heaven" (well, group heaven) theory, but it's pretty fucked up that in their afterlife nobody except Rose and Bernard are with the person they love, one is divorced with a son who apparently doesn't exist and a father who managed to die a second time, one is crippled and blames himself for his father being a vegetable, at least one is a murderer, one has a contract put on his life by his secret girlfriend's father, etc etc. :lol:

As far as I understood it , the whole flash sideways after the bomb explosion was all their purgatory ... what they had to go through to let go. They were all with who they loved in the final scene when they go to "heaven"
It finally finished? Anyone want to do a quick plot summary of the WHOLE THING? ;p I stopped watching halfway thru the second season after I figured they'd given up the original plot and were just dragging it on cos it was popular.

WHAT dude it was my fave show ever. Got a little slow in third season because writer's strike ( and also ABC had not yet given the green light of when show could end) so they were kind of dragging , not sure how many answers they could give away as they did not know when it would end.

But after that the show got right back on track , what I loved is they always kept the show about the characters that you love , not about trying to answer everyone's questions about every bit of minutia. More info on what the island/ light was would have been nice though

P.S. A summary of LOST would take up the entire internet
All I can say is I knew that Jack would die in this episode. Had that one figured out for a while.

Great show that kept me busy thinking once a week. Sad that it's over.
WHAT dude it was my fave show ever. Got a little slow in third season because writer's strike ( and also ABC had not yet given the green light of when show could end) so they were kind of dragging , not sure how many answers they could give away as they did not know when it would end.

But after that the show got right back on track , what I loved is they always kept the show about the characters that you love , not about trying to answer everyone's questions about every bit of minutia. More info on what the island/ light was would have been nice though

P.S. A summary of LOST would take up the entire internet

It wasn't a BAD show, its just that they obviously had a plan for one season, and then it got really popular so they went "shit, we need to extend this.. and we can't do that by answering Season 1's questions, so we'll just invent a whole bunch of new questions".. and then that just seemed to repeat, and sometimes questions would get answered but by the time they WERE answered, it was a real letdown or whatever, and most of the questions weren't answered anyway. Wow that was a long sentence.
It wasn't a BAD show, its just that they obviously had a plan for one season, and then it got really popular so they went "shit, we need to extend this.. and we can't do that by answering Season 1's questions, so we'll just invent a whole bunch of new questions".. and then that just seemed to repeat, and sometimes questions would get answered but by the time they WERE answered, it was a real letdown or whatever, and most of the questions weren't answered anyway. Wow that was a long sentence.

True but your long sentence sums up the exact way I feel about Lost.

See also: Prison Break, Heroes.
I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. I still defend the writing up until this point. It was creative, intelligent and kept me immersed for a very long time. Unfortunately, I had a sinking feeling since day one that the finale would be lackluster but I held on to the little glimmer of hope that they would do something that would blow my mind. However, that wasn't the case.

The only real explanation we got was about what was going on in the supposed alternate time line which didn't even appear until the final season. Everything that happened in real time, in a real place was never explained. The mythology of the island and the mystery that surrounded it was the essence of that show. I think .02% of viewers gave a shit if juliet ended up with jack or sawyer or if kate and jack would ever see eachother again. Fuck that! I wanna know why women couldn't conceive, what is the islands origins, blah blah blah....I guess it just wouldn't be Lost if they didn't leave with you unanswered questions.
As far as I understood it , the whole flash sideways after the bomb explosion was all their purgatory ... what they had to go through to let go. They were all with who they loved in the final scene when they go to "heaven"

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I got the STRANGEST most INTENSE déjà vu about this post, I'm fucking freaking out right now. How appropriate considering the topic...

I really liked the finale. I guess the reason why I wasn't dissapointed was because I knew it wasn't going to be a 2 hour sit down with the producers explaining every weird thing about the island.
I heard Heroes got dropped. Does that mean those that followed it won't ever see an ending?


The last series with T-Bag from Prison Break was actually pretty good...

I read that the makers are trying to get it put on another network, so hopefully Heroes will get saved :D
Who saw it? What the hell do you think happened? I personally really liked it , I kinda knew they were gonna go with a purgatory / afterlife theme since season 1... Let's talk about everyone's theories about what happened in the final episode! I think they didn't all die in the plane crash , but died when they did on the island ... for instance Mr. Eko was a drug dealer responsible for his brother's death (IIRC) and then when he redeemed himself was killed by Smokey and "passed on". Some of them made it off on the plane , and when they died later in life they all met up in their personal "heaven". Ben stayed outside because he was not yet ready to admit he was dead and pass on... he was not yet at peace.

I loved it dude. I am an avid LOST fan. I agree with you here; they didn't die in the plane crash, they died on the island. Christian tells Jack at the end "everything you experienced was real and it was the most important time of your life." Jack died in that last scene on the island where he looked up and saw the rest flying away, and they (everyone on the plane) all died later, off the island. Hurley became the new Jacob with Ben as his #2 but he eventually died as well. After the bomb exploded that was their purgatory in the "flash sideways." Desmond was the shepherd, leading his "flock" to reunite and find everything they needed to move on (except Michael, who is trapped on the island, forever being a "whisper" in the jungle). When Desmond "uncorked" the island (that stone was the metaphorical cork that Jacob was talking about, keeping the darkness contained within the island) it created a loophole in which everyone was made mortal, which enabled them to kill the MIB. Juliet references this in her afterlife when she says to Sawyer at the vending machines, "it's legal to unplug it and plug it back in."

Of course there were lots of unanswered questions.. as to be expected. I would have liked to know the significance of the numbers (besides the fact that they were written on a wall with each candidate's name). Of course it's all open to interpretation, and I think the writers intentionally left it that way, I could keep rambling on but I think I'm done for now haha
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I got the STRANGEST most INTENSE déjà vu about this post, I'm fucking freaking out right now. How appropriate considering the topic...

I really liked the finale. I guess the reason why I wasn't dissapointed was because I knew it wasn't going to be a 2 hour sit down with the producers explaining every weird thing about the island.

Haha. I really loved the finale , I always knew when it ended a lot of people would be disappointed. The show was always more about the characters than the mystery and questions , and honestly the only reason I am disappointed is that LOST won't be on next week. Also I am was relieved aliens didn't come into the equation like in the fucked up new Indy movie , or that it all wasn't just a dream... that would have been epically lame. But like I said the only logical place in my mind for this show to go was with some kind of purgatory / afterlife theme , so I was really not surprised at all by the ending Cuse and Lindelof gave
Juliet references this in her afterlife when she says to Sawyer at the vending machines, "it's legal to unplug it and plug it back in."

Ha thanks for pointing that out, I didn't even think about that til you said something.