MAJOR SPOILERS: Anyone else beat God Of War 3?


Oct 10, 2009
Once again , major spoilers!

What did you think of the ending? If you watch past the credits you see that Kratos' body is no longer there. Is he still alive? Has he ascended to a higher plane of existence a la Athena? But then wouldn't his body still be there? What did you guys think of the ending fight with Zeus? Personally I thought it was a little undercooked , and didn't quite live up to the rest of the game. It's kind of backwards when the opening sequence is way more epic than the fight we've been waiting for for 3 years. Zeus should have been ripped apart or something... but the first person GOW thing was definitely cool. Just seemed like the whole ending was unfinished or something, like they needed more time to work on it. Also , did anyone fully understand the whole deal with the box, was Zeus a good guy before the box was opened and the box "infected" him, or was he a conniving dick beforehand? I thought the premise of the ending was good , if a bit stolen from Gladiator , where he gets to be with his family in Elysium finally. But a lot of what Athena was saying made little sense to me. Was she infected too? Is this why she wants to like take over the world now? And do you guys think Kratos will be back for the inevitable GOW 4?