LotR: The Two Towers <---- I am seeing this movie! Post here

I'm not into the books or anything, but I'll probably check it out. I need to rent the first one and watch it again, though.
Originally posted by rahvin
although i'm into fantasy quite a bit and i don't have a birthday,

you don't?
is it the new tr00 thing to do? :lol:

Well, we tr00ly grim people don't have birthdays...we prefer to refer to the day of our whelping as 'the day unto which the grymfires of the north spawned our kvltness out of the snow and ice of the arctic tundra'...singing about it is kinda hard though...
of course, we get dubbing, since we live in a country that, unlike finland, has more than three citizens. :)

That's a disgusting thought. :Puke:
Don't tell me you or the other Italians are going to diginify the linguistic rape of the movie by attending the dubbed version. :Puke:
i might be attending the original, but i doubt it will be screened in torino, so i guess the dwarf will have to watch the dubbed until the dvd comes out.

i don't have a birthday because it took me too long to express the grim concept as worded by dark_jester, everybody got bored and killed me.

as for dubbing, i don't like it either, but:
a. that's not the reason for the movie to come out in january: the supposed reason is there's a lot of high-budget movies around for christmas and italian distribution wants to exploit lotr undisturbed;
b. chances are i'm gonna see the movie in english and some time before the italian release date, simply because it's way easier for me to download a dvd-rip than either travel to some place where i can attend the original or buy/rent a copy of the dvd of a movie i probably won't even like.

you are quite pessimistic this morning, my little friend... is it the second step towards being tr00? :)

well, dubbing isn't such a tragedy... i mean, i'd prefer to watch the movie now in english, but since it won't be possible until the dvd comes out sometimes in late 2003, i'll go watch it dubbed and probably enjoy it.
but i don't think dubbing is the reason because of it comes out in january.

I wanna see it dubbed in Japanese for comedic value (gotta have LITERAL english subtitles). For example, Aragorn's warcry as he impales an orc: - 'I am unworthy of the blows I deal you, I am shamed!'
this reminds me of one norwegian film i once saw with italian subtitles... two people were grimly plotting the assassination of someone and at a point one complained angrily to the other. the subtitle said "ciò non è bene", which is sort of "you know, this is not a good deed" :lol:

Reminds me of a comic I wrote with a friend once, where it was all in English, but we'd make the warcries in Japanese, like in games like Street Fighter, and everyone would think 'Wow, cool'...except we used things like 'aiskurimu wa suki desu ka!!!' ('DO YOU LIKE ICECREAM!?!?!') and 'Shawa ga arimasen!' ('I don't have a shower!')...we always found it amusing anyway...
Maybe I should scan in some of the comics me and friends have made at various points...
:lol: "attento Pierino, ciò non è bene!"