LotR: The Two Towers <---- I am seeing this movie! Post here

hiljainen, i love you :grin:
you promised us another dialect bubu and it never arrived... hurry hurry

I am a winner this week
first the Alive Again album on the Dan Swanö chat and I got premiere tickets for LOTR the two towers
I am gonna be seeing this movie in 6 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Ormir
Wait... don't tell me it's because the movie is going to be dubbed! :yuk: :Puke:

of course it's not BECAUSE of being dubbed...
some other countries will dub the film, as Spain and will have it here right for the 18th of December...
Last year Italy was delayed because of Harry Potter, but now I don't know why it's delayed....
i'm happy I will see it sooner that italians :p

and let's see, I went ten times to the cinema for the first....now it'll take ten times more :spin:

fathervic (who wants to see Gimly winning the contest in Helm)
The movie is absolutely beautiful dudes!!!!!
I was overwhelmed with it and the sound is amazing,no more enya songs,it's more like classical epic music
please go check it out.I am gonna go see it at least 5 times
HI Miolo....
but isn't harry potter out for nearly a month already?????

I don't have any problem against the kid, and in fact, I'm ok with him studying magical stuff, but why have they to film it, too???

well anyway

fathervic (who is glad that Harry Potter is simply a one-more movie in Spain and doesn't delay THE MOVIE II )
harry potter's been out since last friday, but of course there's families here going to the movies only at christmas and other rare occasions, so the distribution doesn't want them to have to choose between chamber of secrets and two towers, in case someone decides to pass on either.

as a side note, though this second harry potter is not as good as the first one, i'll buy another night in hogswart against a couple of months in rivendell anytime (*grins at hyena for some reason*). my major problem with the lotr movies: they take themselves way too seriously while all the time having crappy, crappy dialogue. at least harry potter's money-making machine involves cracking a joke every thirty seconds. it kind of relieves me from the weight of having to see burdening moral choices carried out by liv tyler through 15 minutes of rethorics. :rolleyes:

@FatherVic: as rahvin said, here Harry Potter is out only since one week and i think they wanna exploit the Two Towers movie like they did last year, when in january it was the only good movie out. ;)

@rahvin: i agree with you on the liv tyler point. but that's the only point on which i agree. :rolleyes:

Miolo (who hasn't seen Harry Potter yet :( )
@rahve: you have no taste in holiday spots whatsoever. rivendell is the most beautiful place around and the company is simply great.
