I thought some of the changes in the movie were for the better. Since Tranquillian covered most of it, this post might be rehash, but what the hell.
I personally like what they did with Gollum. Sure, they made his character a laugh, but Jackson conveyed that feeling of pity you felt for him, as well as the evil personalities that caused most of the conflicts.
The posession of Theodin was better then "influence from a wicked tongue" like Wormwood's. It made his character stronger actually, since it makes little sense for him to turn against his old friend Gandalf because Wormwood said it was a good idea.
The Aragon fake death was pointless. I see no reason for it at all. Maybe if they wanted to do that scene, they can show him unconscious and being carried back to the castle, but otherwise the fake death had no purpose.
The archers coming from out of nowhere made little sense, since they arrived at JUST the right time, but I agree with it since it added more of a sense of urgency to the situation, and was a good way to explain a little more even odds as well as to show power towards the elves, who were one of the races that couldn't be controlled by the rings.
Olympic torch orc was funny
Dwarf toss was funny. It didn't seem believable, but that's why it's a movie. Plus it made Gimli look like a little more then comic relief, which is how he was used mostly in the movie. I have no complaints about that.
Legolas skateboarding scene? You KNOW that was just for the girls who saw the movie (my girlfriend was staring at the screen the whole time when he was on, commenting on how cute he was, so that tells you something).
The charge out of the castle with 6 people knocking over hundreds of orcs was the one part that had me shaking my head, something I did quite a lot of during Star Wars Episode 2. Total bullshit, couldn't SOMEONE shoot them off the horses with a crossbow?
And the whole Frodo sequences could have been rewritten, but it does make sense for Samwise to start becoming more brave and smarter as you'll see in Return of the King. However, almost giving the ring to the nazgul was rather dumb.