LotR: The Two Towers <---- I am seeing this movie! Post here

Well, I'm back from the theater and I'm still alive. So is my ass, because spend three hours sitting in those fuckin' seats kills me.

And the answer is yes, it's better than the first part. The story has gained some reality and interest, and you feel yourself totally into the journey, following each step of the characters, and enjoying the right placed points of humour.

The worse? Liv Tyler, without any kind of doubt. She breaks the pretended love moments, but well, she barely appears this time. And hopefully, as Melon also remarked, there were no Galadriel transformations. I don't find Gollum absolutely real, but considering the entanglement to make up that kind of beast, he's quite well depicted. And his (its?) double personality is also right defined. It's a creature better depicted than the orcs. Or Theoden when he's under the spell.

The best are (again) Aragorn and Legolas. And Eomer/Eowyn are two new amazing characters.

@|ngenius: news about your ass outrank news about ttt (saw it abbreviated this way before, found it hilarious) 30 - nil. :p

@tranquillian: mockery is a known price for celebrity. ;)

Watched the 3T last night. I loved it, even tho it tired me a bit, my back ached..
There are many things that annoyed me, namely: the matrix-way in which Legolas jumped on the running horse, Legolas' skating (those two were a good laugh tho), the general butchering of the book, too much smoochy-coochy love kisses, too much Eowyn melting whenever seeing Aragorn, and others..
I did love Smeagol, he was adorable very often. And i loved other things too that i can't recall right now, but will do so next time i watch the movie. ;)
Originally posted by Tranquillian
Yeah go on, pick on me. I still have your cap if you want it back.
oj,stackars Tranq.... :( Jag förstår att du kanske känner dig träfffad,men det var bara ett skämt. Det är ju sant att jag och n&aring;gra andra ibland har varit lite "elaka" mot dig,men det var bara på grund av dina "mystiska" påstående....Ingen hatar dig :)

Jag har tittat på filmen... 2 gånger....
Du kan läsa mina tankar om det i föregående sidan....

errrrrrrrr,fellow forumers exhuse the swedish,it jsut came to me :D

watched the movie for the second time this morning!!!! :)

Thanatos@ :lol: your humour kills :p
Originally posted by Siren
Watched the 3T last night.

really??? last time I saw it, there were just 2T, but I suppose that they had time to build another one by now :p

and I agree totally with the points about Legolas The Skater. Specially the way he gets on the horse!!!!
now for Eowyn, I simply love the character in the book, and couldn't do less in the movie :)
The movie it`s not perfect, it would be nearly impossible to make an exact representation of the book, also there some scenes that mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but for an overall review I think it is a great movie, I`m going to see it again tomorrow.
yes I have to agree about Legolas jumping to the horse and then "stair-boarding" are some of the crappy moments of the movie and I also don't like that Sam is more clever now and Boromir is an ass...

and rahvin, even though your fellow dwarf Gimli tried to please you by throwing some funny comments and stunts, it is still not a super comedy house like you wanted it to be, no poking Sauron's eye jokes, Legolas and Gimli gay friendship gags, or Saruman and Gandalf magic trick contest :(
Originally posted by Thanatos
yes I have to agree about Legolas jumping to the horse and then "stair-boarding" are some of the crappy moments of the movie and I also don't like that Sam is more clever now and Boromir is an ass...

Boromir is more of a carcASS isn't he? Faramir though, I hate what they did to him. He used to be noble. :mad:
I think the reason PJ changed Faramir into a more hostile character was because there wasn't enough of a conflict with Frodo and Sam towards the end of the movie, with the Shelob scene put in RotK. Anyway, I think Faramir was a bit of a goody-two-shoes in the book, PJ's changes certainly made him a more believable character. The fact that Faramir resisted the Ring so easily, when Gandalf himself was terrified by it, showed some inconsitency in the characters I think. In any case, Faramir passed a test Boromir couldn't, and put his own life on the line for it, making him more noble than in the book, if weaker for letting temptation have the best of him until then.
At the Tranquillian: What Mel said. Don't take it so seriously - we just need some damn way to went our jealousy. :p

Originally posted by Tranquillian
I still have your cap if you want it back.

You do? Is it still in one piece? How bad (far) does it smell? Can you live in a same room with it? You haven't washed it, have you!?! I might like to have it back - let's see, how about next summer, if/when DT play in either Finland/Sweden? You come here, or I'll drag my sorry ass over the gulf once again, how does that sound?

About the movie: I'm gonna see it tomorrow (eh, today actually, as it is way past midnight already). I'll comment it probably on monday then.

Originally posted by Villain
At the Tranquillian: What Mel said. Don't take it so seriously - we just need some damn way to went our jealousy. :p

You do? Is it still in one piece? How bad (far) does it smell? Can you live in a same room with it? You haven't washed it, have you!?! I might like to have it back - let's see, how about next summer, if/when DT play in either Finland/Sweden? You come here, or I'll drag my sorry ass over the gulf once again, how does that sound?

About the movie: I'm gonna see it tomorrow (eh, today actually, as it is way past midnight already). I'll comment it probably on monday then.


It is still in the same shape as you left it. You will get it back, I promise. Do you have a new one?
Originally posted by Melancholia
oj,stackars Tranq.... :( Jag förstår att du kanske känner dig träfffad,men det var bara ett skämt. Det är ju sant att jag och n&aring;gra andra ibland har varit lite "elaka" mot dig,men det var bara på grund av dina "mystiska" påstående....Ingen hatar dig :)

Jag har tittat på filmen... 2 gånger....
Du kan läsa mina tankar om det i föregående sidan....

errrrrrrrr,fellow forumers exhuse the swedish,it jsut came to me :D

watched the movie for the second time this morning!!!! :)

Thanatos@ :lol: your humour kills :p

You are forgiven. I am also VERY impressed with your swedish skills. So impressed that I almost asked you to marry me ;) .

Why I didn't like the movie at first: (I'm sure it will grow on me when I see it more times)

*Frodo and Sam in Osgiliath
This doesn't make sense because Sauron will know where the ring is. He would then use all his might and troops to reclaim the ring. The reason for fighting the battle outside the black gates in ROTK was to buy Sam and Frodo some time and make Saurons eye look anywhere but on his own lands. The reason Aragorn looks in the palantir is also to confuse Sauron so that he loses his focus on where the ring might be. Basically: the idea of Frodo and Sam taking the ring to Mordor on their own is that the only chance of destroying the ring is by using stealth to get into Mordor. When Frodo shows the ring to the Nazgul in Osgiliath he does the worst thing possible: tells Sauron where the ring is.

*Aragorn's faked death
The whole warg scene is redundant and badly done. Peter Jackson seems to like to fake death's of persons in this movie. I also disliked the special effects on the wargs.

In the movie nearly every line Gimli says is a joke. Sure, he had some good lines in the books, but why use him just as comic relief, and worst of all, in the heat of battle.

*Theoden possessed?
I don't like how the exorcism was portrayed in the film, but I suppose there was no better way to do it. I think I will grow to like this scene.

*Faramir evil?
Faramir isn't like he was in the books. He comes across as even more "evil" than Boromir even if the ring doesn't have a grip on him. There is simply no reason for changing the story so that he sends the hobbits to Osgiliath. It would have been better to let them go like in the book (thus also removing the Nazgul encounter).

*Ent's decision
The ent's decide NOT to attack Isengard at first? There is simply no good reason to change this part of the story. You could easily have stuck to the original story and not made the film longer or more complicated.

Theoden is portrayed more like a stubborn coward than he was in the books.

Why is Elrond so whiny and why does he oppose Aragorn and Arwens decision to stay with him? Why create this extra and unecessary drama?

*Elves at helm's deep
Totally unnecessary imho. I even laughed when Haldir died. And why did they say there where only 300 men at Helm's deep in the movie when there where far more in the book. And why did only 8 people ride out of the Hornburg? And why didn't the huorns slaughter the remaining orcs?
And where where the wild men that should have been in the battle? And why have an orc running with the olympic torch causing me to laugh?

I loved many parts of the film but I felt like I should only mention the bad parts here.

I agree with everything that At The Gates ( I refuse to call you tranquillian...at the gathian? :p ) and thanks for saving me all the typing dude.

Thanatos (not a sheep)
and let me add all the Arwen-Aragorn romance thing, sure it's not 'that' much, but enough to bother me.