Lots of noise in amp modellers


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
I've noticed in all the software amp modellers i've used I get a lot of noise. I always have to use a noise gate or reducer and it still does not get rid of all the noise. Revalver MK2 is especially bad. I noticed especially on palm muted parts, this "white noise" underneath. Does anyone know what i'm talking about? Anyone else have this problem? How do you deal with it. When I use my Mesa F50 amp I don't need any noise reducers or gates and I hardly get any noise, even at high volumes. I can't seem to get rid of the noise no matter what I do.
i'll post a sample soon. My chain is schecter xxx guitar with a jb in the bridge,firebox,cubase SX3. I boost the input on revalver 14db and use the tube screamer model in front of the amp. If I don't boost the input in revalver there is just not enough gain on the amp models even with a tubescreamer in front unless I boost the gain half way and turn the level all the way up.
Also make a clip where you just sit there and don't do anything with the guitar. Don't play it, don't process it or anything, just get a few seconds of nothing. Then get a clip of brief clean playing - some chords, a riff or two, whatever. I'm guessing Firebox.

Try dropping the volume of the Revalver and adding 14dB in the DAW's input, or with an EQ before Revalver if you don't know how to do that.

Here's a way to get more gain in Revalver: add a module called one triode tube (it's in tools) before the amp. Crank the input for more gain, just turn the output down. You actually don't need to crank the input that much to get some nice saturation out of it.

I haven't had a problem with noise as long as I have a noisegate before anything else in the chain, just mute your strings, click learn and you're done. Maybe you problem is more complicated?
well it cuts the noise out when i'm not playing anything and muting the strings. When I do abrubt stops it adds noise though. Like the noisegate is delayed. There is a second of noise before the gate kicks in. And like I said when I do palm mutes there is this "kaaaaa" noise underneath.