Love my V-Amp Pro, anyone else?

I have the V-Amp 2
I like Modern High Gain together with British HG / Savage / or Rectified
I like it much mor use impulse instead of the build in cab simulation...
at least a very cool tool for recording ideas and i think it would work well
for monitoring while recording clean guitars for reamping!!
Bloodsoaked666 said:
Do you still have it?

Hey cobrahead1030, from the looks of your picture you might play some killer music. Do you have a link?


i had the vamp 2 for a good 6 months, sold it to get the vamp pro thinking i'd like it better and for some reason the same high gain settings didn't sound as good on the pro as they did on the two

i ended up selling that for a pod xt, which i absolutely hated (just too much tweaking to do, and i still couldn't get tones i really liked...despite all the great tones i've heard others get from them)

i've got good amps, good cabs, and decent recording gear...for me, it's easier to get my guitar sounds that way than to mess with a modeler

here's a piece my band is working on:

you can check out our old stuff with old singer here:

and my slackass solo project i never have time to work on:

any critique/comments on any of it is more than welcome :)
i just got my v-amp 2 in today!!:lol:

I bought mine to do guitar monitoring for re-amping and/or scratch tracks......

I'm gonna download the v-amp2 editor tonight and mess with it a little.

Anybody got some decent tones outta this? :kickass:
also, bloodsoaked, have you checked out this band braindrill????? theyre BRUTAL AS HELL dude. their drums are unreal....but real....but they sound like the stuff youre playin too so i wasnt sure if you have heard of them SERIOUSLY CHECK THEM OUT SO BRUTAL
Braindrill is awsome and Marco is an incredible drummer. His other band Vornagar is pretty sweet as well.
Bloodsoaked666 said:
You can go here: and check out 6 songs I have recorded with it if your interested.


WOW! I just check your stuff out! Nice!:kickass: Your first one "devastion death" I think sounds the best, guitar wise!

....I just got a V-amp 2 today.....been messing with it and can't get even close to what your getting.

Are you doing alot of post processing after you record your tracks?

And how many layers of guitar are you doing?:rock:
Thedeloshimself said:
also, bloodsoaked, have you checked out this band braindrill????? theyre BRUTAL AS HELL dude. their drums are unreal....but real....but they sound like the stuff youre playin too so i wasnt sure if you have heard of them SERIOUSLY CHECK THEM OUT SO BRUTAL

I am listening to them right now and I like what I hear. They are a bit more brutal than what I do in Bloodsoaked but pretty cool. Thanks for the link dude!!!
stringy_ said:
You remind me a ton of Suffocation, but faster.

Not quite my type of metal, I generally go for more pussified types. Hehe... Good job.

Well, if my music reminds you of Suffocation then I am doing something right!!! Thanks allot dude!!!

cobrahead1030 said:
here's a piece my band is working on:

you can check out our old stuff with old singer here:

and my slackass solo project i never have time to work on:

any critique/comments on any of it is more than welcome :)

Nice songs dude!!! I am more of a straight forward Death Metal fan but I can appreciate your music. The recording for all the songs is great. Did you home record it all? I wish I could get that good of a mix, no mud and just great tones!!! Good work!!!

ApolloSpeed said:
i just got my v-amp 2 in today!!:lol:

I bought mine to do guitar monitoring for re-amping and/or scratch tracks......

I'm gonna download the v-amp2 editor tonight and mess with it a little.

Anybody got some decent tones outta this? :kickass:

Let me know how you like it after you play with the editor a bit. You can check out my songs (see my links below) as to hear the tones I have gotten. All my songs were recorded with the V-Amp Pro.

Suicide_As_Alibi said:
Cool sounds, but arrggh! That cymbal on 'Suffocating The Unborn' makes me angrier than the music! Haha :D


What kind of issues do you hear with the cymbals? The volume, overall sound or other stuff?

Bloodsoaked666 said:
Nice songs dude!!! I am more of a straight forward Death Metal fan but I can appreciate your music. The recording for all the songs is great. Did you home record it all? I wish I could get that good of a mix, no mud and just great tones!!! Good work!!!


thanks for checkin it out man

my solo project is about as close to straight death metal as i'll ever get, even then i have to have little melody thrown in :rock:

my band has a (fairly cheap) garage studio where i did most of that, some of it was done in my bedroom
ApolloSpeed said:
WOW! I just check your stuff out! Nice!:kickass: Your first one "devastion death" I think sounds the best, guitar wise!

....I just got a V-amp 2 today.....been messing with it and can't get even close to what your getting.

Are you doing alot of post processing after you record your tracks?

And how many layers of guitar are you doing?:rock:

"Devastation Death" was just a quick 52 second song I did with my Mother...LOL.

I do 4 tracks of guitar 1 80% left, 1 80% right, 1 100% left, 1 100% right.

I also use 2 different cabinets the off-axis and the 78 vintage I think. All the settings are kept the same except for the cabinets.

Let me know if you need more info, I could also send you the patch I created if your using the v-amp editor software!!!

cobrahead1030 said:
thanks for checkin it out man

my solo project is about as close to straight death metal as i'll ever get, even then i have to have little melody thrown in :rock:

my band has a (fairly cheap) garage studio where i did most of that, some of it was done in my bedroom

I like the melody in your songs and while I listen to allot of music besides death metal (yes, even music with melody...LOL and even some Glam Metal) I just love to play death metal.

Do you have a web site to show-off or showcase your garage studio? Very killer recordings in my opinion!!!

well....I tinkered with the vamp2 and it is probably about as good as my line6 I used to about 1/3 the price!:p

I like the Brit High Gain alot.......and the Modern High gain, and the Savage a little bit. The rest sucks!

The cleans are nice too....and good effects!:rock:

I will try and post some clips in the near future.:Saint:
Bloodsoaked666 said:
I like the melody in your songs and while I listen to allot of music besides death metal (yes, even music with melody...LOL and even some Glam Metal) I just love to play death metal.

Do you have a web site to show-off or showcase your garage studio? Very killer recordings in my opinion!!!


thanks man,
i don't really have a website or anything for the studio...i plan on making a myspace page with some pics and clips here fairly soon, as i want to start recording other bands...but we've gotta upgrade some things first, and i'll probably do one or two bands for free just to gain some experience before i start promoting the studio and charging people to record there

btw...did you check out the song @ ?