Love my V-Amp Pro, anyone else?

ApolloSpeed said:
well....I tinkered with the vamp2 and it is probably about as good as my line6 I used to about 1/3 the price!:p

I like the Brit High Gain alot.......and the Modern High gain, and the Savage a little bit. The rest sucks!

The cleans are nice too....and good effects!:rock:

I will try and post some clips in the near future.:Saint:

Yeah dude, please do post some clips as I would love to hear them.

cobrahead1030 said:
thanks man,
i don't really have a website or anything for the studio...i plan on making a myspace page with some pics and clips here fairly soon, as i want to start recording other bands...but we've gotta upgrade some things first, and i'll probably do one or two bands for free just to gain some experience before i start promoting the studio and charging people to record there

btw...did you check out the song @ ?

Yeah, you should have a myspce page for your home recording studio. I am sure there are allot of other people that would be interested in what you got going.

I just checked out Extacy of Damnation on the myspace page....killer stuff. I bid bassy but I really liked the music allot. Some of thoese guitar riffs I would like to steal for my on songs....LOL

i'll do a page for the studio eventually, just gotta get some things in order down there first

glad you dug that tune, i need to do a better mix of that...i've just been slack about it
cobrahead1030 said:
i'll do a page for the studio eventually, just gotta get some things in order down there first

glad you dug that tune, i need to do a better mix of that...i've just been slack about it

I will add you to my friends list on Myspace so I cna keep track of your stuff. Hope you don't mind if I bounce some ideas or questions to you once in a while.

no problem man...i'm always happy to talk music, gear, or whatever; if i don't get back to you quickly tho it's because i'm just not logged into that account very often

i've got two more songs written, and a few guys (as well as myself) who are gonna do vocals on some stuff...once i get some more complete work uploaded there i'll promote it a bit more
cobrahead1030 said:
no problem man...i'm always happy to talk music, gear, or whatever; if i don't get back to you quickly tho it's because i'm just not logged into that account very often

i've got two more songs written, and a few guys (as well as myself) who are gonna do vocals on some stuff...once i get some more complete work uploaded there i'll promote it a bit more

Cool, I am in the process of recording my 6th song at the moment. I am hopeing to have my last 3 song (including the 6th one I am recording now) done by the end of the year. I hope to have it all record and completed so in 2007 I can devote my time to promoting the hell out of the CD.

Anyone else have any metal music recorded with the V-Amp Pro? I just finished a new song and will post it in a day or two.

you ever make it down to charlotte for any shows? we've played a handful of times at tremont, any good venues for local metal up your way?
Those are some tight, heavy-ass tones man! :OMG: :OMG:

I got my v-amp pro a few days ago. I'm discovering a lot of tones in it! I just haven't found any tight chugga-chugga tones like yours though.
Those are some tight, heavy-ass tones man! :OMG: :OMG:

I got my v-amp pro a few days ago. I'm discovering a lot of tones in it! I just haven't found any tight chugga-chugga tones like yours though.

I do have 4 guitar tracks in total on each song and the bass is in there as well. I am also using 2 different cabs so alone you might not get the best sound but with a combination of 2 you cna get some killer tones.

I do have 4 guitar tracks in total on each song and the bass is in there as well. I am also using 2 different cabs so alone you might not get the best sound but with a combination of 2 you cna get some killer tones.


Is that 2 tracks for each cab, panned the way you mentioned a few posts back? I think i'm having a hard time getting the tones i want because of my monitors (i monitor through my stereo. haha. :zombie: ) They just kill the palm mutes outright, so i can't get into the feel of things. Did you ever run into the same problem? What do you monitor your v-amp through?
Is that 2 tracks for each cab, panned the way you mentioned a few posts back? I think i'm having a hard time getting the tones i want because of my monitors (i monitor through my stereo. haha. :zombie: ) They just kill the palm mutes outright, so i can't get into the feel of things. Did you ever run into the same problem? What do you monitor your v-amp through?

I monitor via some very nice headphones. I know allot of people say not to use headphones but I got a nice pair that I like and they work for me.

Yeah, the post from earlier is how I track for all of my songs.

Do you have it hooked up to your computer via the midi cables?

I monitor via some very nice headphones. I know allot of people say not to use headphones but I got a nice pair that I like and they work for me.

Yeah, the post from earlier is how I track for all of my songs.

Do you have it hooked up to your computer via the midi cables?


I have a pair of headphones but they're not really pro-level or anything, just consumer-grade stuff for listening to music. Yeah, i read the same thing too about monitoring using headphones, but i guess whatever works and sounds good in the end, right?

I just plug the v-amp's left line out into my soundcard's line in. It's a creative audiopci card. I didn't bother to try the MIDI cable because i don't use the v-amp design software. Are there really settings you can tweak using only the software?
I have a pair of headphones but they're not really pro-level or anything, just consumer-grade stuff for listening to music. Yeah, i read the same thing too about monitoring using headphones, but i guess whatever works and sounds good in the end, right?

I just plug the v-amp's left line out into my soundcard's line in. It's a creative audiopci card. I didn't bother to try the MIDI cable because i don't use the v-amp design software. Are there really settings you can tweak using only the software?

yeah dude, spend the $10 and get a pair of midi cables and you will be in heaven. There are SOOOOOoooooo many more options when you use the software, you will love it!!! I never touch my v-amp pro, I use the software to control everyting!!!!

I've been using 4 years a V-amp Pro for live (with a 100 watts Tube Amp) and the small V-amp 2 for my little homestudio. Recorded 2 albums with the small one (even mastered at Finnvox by Jussila), so in my opinion is a good gadget according to the price.

Take a listen of what a V-amp can do: - 05 - Solar Ghosts

Now I have changed to Line 6 Pod XT (kidney for studio) and Pro (live), and I notice the difference, better fx, many parameteres but the most important is the backing noise that in line 6 doesn't exist.
I've been using 4 years a V-amp Pro for live (with a 100 watts Tube Amp) and the small V-amp 2 for my little homestudio. Recorded 2 albums with the small one (even mastered at Finnvox by Jussila), so in my opinion is a good gadget according to the price.

Take a listen of what a V-amp can do: - 05 - Solar Ghosts

Now I have changed to Line 6 Pod XT (kidney for studio) and Pro (live), and I notice the difference, better fx, many parameteres but the most important is the backing noise that in line 6 doesn't exist.

DAMN dude!!! I loved that song and the guitars are great. I wish you had some vocals on there. I really like the song!!!

I am sure people with a good ear )not me) can tell that it might be a modular but for the average person listening they would never know.

Killer work!!!
