love vs. fear

La Rocque said:
"Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them.
It is far safer to be feared than loved".

Well I do tend to agree with the sublime sophistry of Nicolo Machiavelli.
What about people who love fear? you know people who do shit like jump out of planes and such that do it to scare themselves for the adrenalin(sp?) rush.

It is a bit outlandish to say they dont exsist together.
I would much rather be feared than loved. Love is more of a useless playing around with human emotion. Fear is a strict instinctual response i.e. "fight or flight". If you're feared that does not automatically mean you can't be loved, it just means you have the advantage of stealth, strength, wit, will, or whatever people may fear you for. I noticed someone's quote on here was something like
this "an intelligent man with bible in hand can do much more harm...." I forget the rest of the quote but it was a great one.
Fear is based around loss. So an individual only fears what they will lose. Such a negative thing should never be desired. Fear will cause others to hate, and hate leads you no where but self loathing.

Love is the ultimate positive, so why wouldn't someone want it. Self love and respect and harmonious existence with compassion and understanding of others is something that people crave, and to reject a positive for a negative really goes to show how twisted people can get.
Hawng said:
He also had orgys that included sex with animals.

I dont remember the animals part, and Ive read Suetonius. Now of course he did fuck his sister, men, boys, women, wives of aristocrats while they watched. I'd say the guy really liked sex--and sex without love.

There is an excellent play by Camus about Caligula, caled Caligula.
If you don't have love, you might as well shoot yourself. Life is about loving, and having others love you. Everything we do leads to our ultimate goal of love.

Fear? I don't really want people afriad of me. I'd rather they respect me.
i think we can only fear what we love . for all others we dont care and they dont care for us if they dont love us . we shall love a lot but not the people and things on which we fix our love are important but the love itself , its not luck to be loved cause everybody loves himslef, but to be able to love somebody is luck , Hesse said and i must agree .
even if some may pretend to be strong and says he or she doesnt need all this feelings it cant be true . we all have feelings but must look for how and on whom we fix it for some time . i can only fear what i respect and i only respect what i love .
MasterOLightning said:
Hahaha...Did anyone else see this and immediately think of Donnie Darko? Such an absurd concept.
Yes actually, I did!

You can't group all those emotions into just fear and love, you have to consider the other things, like greed, etc.. ;p
Love CAN be the ultimate positive, but its intrinsically volatile, and can be an awful thing...remember the Tennyson quote ("its better to have loved and lost...etc").

My old philosophy teacher gave a lecture on why love conquered fear, the sad bastard in me will always think love is a much more powerful thing.

TBH i really don't know
Silver Incubus said:
Fear is based around loss. So an individual only fears what they will lose. Such a negative thing should never be desired. Fear will cause others to hate, and hate leads you no where but self loathing.

Love is the ultimate positive, so why wouldn't someone want it. Self love and respect and harmonious existence with compassion and understanding of others is something that people crave, and to reject a positive for a negative really goes to show how twisted people can get.

Tell it like it is, :worship:

My only 2 cents to add to this topic is that we all desire to love and to be loved. However, in the Machiavellian context, it is indeed better to be feared than to be loved. Although, this is outdated in todays world (unless someone here is a ruler of a small kingdom).
You know in my opinion the most basic and primal human emotion is fear; it is stronger than love, stronger than anything else. If one truly considers love, think how much love is conditioned upon fear. One fears whether our significant other will leave us; one fears whether they really love us as much as one does them; one fears finding another love, and thus seeks to hold on to this love; one fears rejection and denial of ones present love. If one really thinks about it, love as wonderful as it is, in most instances is predicated by fear.

Thus, I think it folly to consider love to be greater than fear.