

New Metal Member
Nov 16, 2002
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I dunno if this is inappropriate for this forum or not, if it is, then just ignore it, but, anyways, has anyone here dabbled in acid. Cause i was thinkin of tryin it, as there seem to be no apparent bad side effects assuming you take it in a comfortable mood and environment and you aren't a pyscho. And if so, how is symphony x on acid, or any metal for that matter.
I`m not a drug user (I drink a fair amount of alcohol and have smoked weed once), but I had a seeking phase where I read a lot about drugs of various types. I could probably tell you about what it does, very crudely off the top of my head, but I`d rather you read the experience of a LSD user instead.

Have fun.
Oh, and you`d do well in reading erowids LSD pages. There are side-effects like frying your brain if you take it too much and drug flashbacks.
its a very unstable drug in terms of the high you can have, from what I gather. Its easy to freak out and you can seriously make yourself psycho for the rest of your life if you have a really bad trip, plus theres also acid flashbacks and stuff you can get.

Basically, even if the risk isnt HUGE, its still there, and its a pretty big one, so why take it?
I was a heavy drug user throughout my teenage years and I finally layed it all down at the age of 21. I started smoking cigarettes, then pot, moved on to lots of acid, then into coke, crystal meth and more acid, so I guess I could proclaim myself(besides incredibly stupid) as quite the layman expert. I would strongly advise anyone not to alter theirselves in the ways I have. I changed my personality by no one's fault but my own, and not always for the better as I have realised in hind site. I'm 26+ now, and I'm just finally getting my life in order.

My two cents.
I'm a Medical Lab Tech, and have worked in hospitals for many years. I have seen a lot come to the ER. I'm not about to lecture you....but you asked and that's great, so I'm going to tell you right out. It's a bad scene and yeah, it could possibly screw you up... if not immediately, then in your future. Stay away from drugs and keep your brain cells intact to enjoy good music. Damn, if EVERYBODY would ask first :cool:

:) > You
:hypno: :loco: :zombie: > You on acid

Hey, Polyeidus..good for you. You in Harrisburg yet??
I think sympony x is a music that is much better appreciated without being high or drunk. I wouldn't suggest you that you use just for the sake of experimenting with it. I don't mean to sound like a prude, and even if I am or sound like it I really don't care, drugs cause damage to your brain and might end up affecting your whole life and the life of those who sorround you and care for you, and heck they might and probably will kill you, so why risk it?
Umm yeah..drugs aren't cool..
(and i've noticed a popular myth seems to be that metaller's are drug users ..maybe there are some or even alot..but i think the idea that its something metal people do in general, is ignorant.)
Even pot messes you advice is just stay the hell away from it all, keep your mind clear and focused and stay true to who you are..
if you have friends who are pressuring you to do it, then its time to find new friends, because i guarantee you that those people are not looking out for your best interest, the only one who can do that is you.
I think its so cool that everybody here is against drugs. And Polyeidus, I'm so happy that you were able to stop all those bad things. I know some people have a hard time with that, and thats why they shouldn't start in the first place.
"Anti-Drug" here!!!
Its just not safe or "COOL"!

Plus I DO know people that are messed up for life cuz of it..


Us SymX family must stick 2gether! nobody here wants to see any of us get messed up or hurt.:erk:
"Don't take drugs, Drugs are bad *mmmmmmkayy*"

On a serious note, I can't comment on drugsas (of my age) I havent experienced any drugs. But I know alot about them from a good education from the people around me. Think of it this way... why even risk it? If there is a small chance of it screwing you up, why do it? 90% of addicts were like yourself, "It is only a minor thing, it isn't all that bad, I wont become an addict or anything, it's just exparimentation ect..."

So my advice is to not..
Well, all I can say is: it wasn't for me. I smoked some dope and usually ended up feeling worse then better. Maybe it's because I'm a non-smoker to start with. I even smoked some heroine once and that didn't go down too well. I was sick four times and tne slept untill four in the afternoon...not a good thing. But hey, I won't stop you. I just think I'd be totally fu**** up playing any Sym X while on drugs... :Puke:
I am not advocating uding drugs to listen to music, but wouldn't it be wild to get high and listen to some spiral architect??? Like i said, not something i would try, but i was thinking about that the other day...