Lunaris reviews

i should write a review for polish webzine soon... maybe during weekend. i let you know :p
Originally posted by *M*
a good review, but we have apparently been relocated to sweden, and we have gotten 2 new members... one being none other than Frost on vocals no less :grin: way to research guys!

I'm sorry if the review isn't 100%. Knowing Ron (the Vampire-Magazine crew-member who did this review) he do research alot before writing a review. I think this time he trusted the biography which was sent with the promo.

We also are interested to interview Lunaris, strangely enough we mailed this request to our Earache/Etilist contact in Holland, but didn't gey any reply.

Maybe you would like to e-mail me ( ) and we can work something out??
Originally posted by *M*
a good review, but we have apparently been relocated to sweden, and we have gotten 2 new members... one being none other than Frost on vocals no less :grin: way to research guys!

typical review for dutch webzines. i read on Quintessence that Enter Chaos play BLACK (WTF :confused: ) and sounds like Vader and Morbid Angel (WTF :confused: ). besides this Enter Chaos has male growler (WTF :confused: )... no comments. the only one TRUTH dutch review we have got in Aardschok, but there album was reviewed by guitarist/vocalist of Thanatos

i really like dutch scene, but dutch reviewers should listen albums befor they write review
Send us your album and you will get a fair review, I'll promise you that.

Without judging all other countries, I think Holland have a strong scene regarding bands and magazines. It's funny you name Quintessence as they are respected when listening to other opinions.

And I don't really understand your remark about Dutch reviewers that they should listen to an album before they write a review.

*M* think it is a good review, but our reviewer made some mistakes about the line-up, which was stated in the biography the label have sent us. So he did listen to the album.....

I challenge you to walk through our some of our reviews and give us some more negative or positive remarks. This is the only way to become better.
Sain magazine review in December issue.

"Norway's Lunaris claim not to be a 'Super-group', but one look at the line up will certainly make you think otherwise. With members from 1349, Spiral Architect, Satyricon, Borknagar and Manitou, you would expect Lunaris to carry a distinct sound from each member's respective pasts. But there's also some new elements added to the mix, making...The Infinite sound both fresh and interesting. "In The Eyes Of The Heretic" builds up slowly with some great clean riffing before launching into some melodic death metal territory, while "Arise" follows a Fear Factory introduction, then moves into a more Thorns soundscape. Lunaris have succeeded with their brand of melodic extreme music with some stunning riffs, dual vocalists and accomplished song writing."