Lyrics Frenzy!


Apr 17, 2001
Istanbul, TURKEY
12 years ago...
I was merely an apprentice in English language back then (not that I'm very different now). It felt real hard trying to understand what all those metal vocals meant... I used to take notes, struggling to decipher the lyrics, but what I heard was quite often "a bit" different from what the vocals had to say :)
Here's something I found this morning... an excerpt taken straight out of the original note:

"Oh my pretty side wish for tea"

which gave me a "laughing crisis" when I remembered it was a line from my deciphered version of Metallica's One...

"Hold my breath as I wish for death" :eek: :s

Here are some other examples from those people most of you know:

Pantera / 5 Minutes Alone
What Anselmo said: "I ask you please just give us"
What Tokmak understood: "I am your peasant killer" :lol:

Iron Maiden / Iron Maiden
What Dickinson said: Well, we all know what he said
What Cico understood: "Iron Maiden, LOVES you for that!" :lol: :lol:

Blind Guardian / Mirror Mirror
What Kursch said: "True hope lies beyond the coast"
What Barbarian understood: "Hay hay hiy hoy hiy hoy hoy!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's you turn people, spill it out, don't be ashamed, it can't be any more terrible than the examples I've given... or could it? :D
Here's an example:

In Metallica's Sad But True a guy actually thought that instead of "Sad but true" the lyrics go "Z Patrol"!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
How could you remember all these?:lol:
It gave me a laughing crisis morning morning...;)

Well I remember myself misunderstood bruce dickonson saying
'could I believe' in live after death as 'gule gule' which means
'good bye' in turkish...
And I asked the true lyrics from you umut,remember?:lol:
If there's one man on earth who could get a "Fuck Me" out of an "If I could be", it must be my good old friend Timmy ;) :lol:

403, so there's actually a site about misheard lyrics??? Damn! And I thought I was posting something so original that everyone would say: "Wow, this IRoN guy is so eccentric, I want to have sex with him right now!"
Now I missed all the credit... and it's all because of you! You ruined my day :cry:
Originally posted by IRoN

403, so there's actually a site about misheard lyrics??? Damn! And I thought I was posting something so original that everyone would say: "Wow, this IRoN guy is so eccentric, I want to have sex with him right now!"
Now I missed all the credit... and it's all because of you! You ruined my day :cry:

You know, they didn't call me "the dayruiner" back in high school for nothing :D

check the site out, it's filled with good misheard lyirics :)
I think I was worse than Umy, unfortunately I don't remember very well... just that I had some laughing crises(es?) after buying the CD and checking the lyrics...

Anyway, Juli /Angel Holocaust told me that in an Iron Maiden show in São Paulo there was a poser guy next to her who didn't know any lyrics at all but was still trying to sing with Blaze. His version of Fear of the Dark was
"New York the night, New York the night" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was Di Anno's wonderful accent! :lol:

He said "as i lay down on my bed"
and I understood "as a lady laying on my bed"
heh! that was when i first started listening to maiden! heh!