Lyrics of your favorite songs

Parkway Drive-Romance Is Dead

The incisions in your wrist were all for show
Just like you
The epitome of self indulgence
Another farce
A charade and another set of crocodile tears
So serenade her with your last pathetic suicide love song
"Broken hearts never mend"
But fools never move on
And now she's gone because of you
And once again you're the epitome of pure self destruction

Cupid never found his mark
As we await the insertion of blades on flesh
You part the skin and tell of blades on blood
So part the fucking skin
So part the fucking skin
To tell of blades on blood
To tell of blades on blood
Blades on blood

She said I love you
She said
She said goodbye

So cry me a fucking river bitch

You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest
Let go
You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest
"Razors, roses and a black tomorrow"
You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest
"Razors, roses and a black tomorrow"

They never showed any affection to anything but your ego
A tragedy of errors at the best of times.
You are everything that's wrong with me
You're everything that I despise
You are everything I dreamed would die
You are everything that fades away and slowly dies

Will you bleed for me when suicide seems so yesterday?
Will you
Will you bleed for me?
Will you fucking bleed for me when suicide...
It's so yesterday
It's all so fucking yesterday
So yesterday

(Maybe not the greatest lyrics ever, but they hardly do the song justice...)
Arturus "Nightmare Heaven"

The subjects of sleep
Their faces once awake
On sodomy and death
And smoke and laughter
Their feet no longer

The snow hides the traces
Never set in a first place

This negative kingdom
Hey horrible and white
The angels all stone
Passing their years
Hoping to be saved
From oblivion oblivion

And the miracle is that
Nothing has happened
Nothing has a history
Or a name

Only the voice
Of falling snow
In fear every day, every evening
He calls her aloud from above
And carefully watch for a reason
Painstaking devotion and love
Surrender to self-preservation
Like others who care for themselves
A blindness that touches perfection
But hurts just like anything else


Mother, I tried, please believe me
I'm doing the best that I can
I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through
I'm ashamed of the person I am.


But if you could just see the beauty
These things I could never describe
These pleasures and wayward distractions
This is my one lucky prize.

Blue Oyster CUlt . Don´t fear the reaper

All our times have come
Here but now they’re gone
Seasons don’t fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain..we can be like they are
Come on baby...don’t fear the reaper
Baby take my hand...don’t fear the reaper
We’ll be able to fly...don’t fear the reaper
Baby I’m your man...

Valentine is done
Here but now they’re gone
Romeo and juliet
Are together in eternity...romeo and juliet
40,000 men and women romeo and juliet
40,000 men and women everyday...redefine happiness
Another 40,000 coming everyday...we can be like they are
Come on baby...don’t fear the reaper
Baby take my hand...don’t fear the reaper
We’ll be able to fly...don’t fear the reaper
Baby I’m your man...

Love of two is one
Here but now they’re gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn’t go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew then disappeared
The curtains flew then he appeared...saying don’t be afraid
Come on baby...and she had no fear
And she ran to him...then they started to fly
They looked backward and said goodby...she had become like they are
She had taken his hand...she had become like they are
Come on baby...don’t fear the reaper
my last post reminded me of this song.


some day Jane S. when you tell me everything
it will make me want to take it too far
and when you ask me everything
I will take it too far
the 20 hundred private loops
making up my AHHHHHHHHH!
Ian Curtis (I can't believe I said it) Wish List
via heave and via gasp
it will seem like and will actually be
just wicked stupid pride
oh what will happen
will you ever bleat out
Jane S. I am kidding
I'm just kidding
Gotta love the 'tap:

The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'
That's what I said
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand
Or so I have read

My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

I met her on Monday, twas my lucky bun day
You know what I mean
I love her each weekday, each velvety cheek day
You know what I mean

My love gun's loaded and she's in my sights
Big game is waiting there inside her tights, yeah

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?
Grovesy said:
Gotta love the 'tap:

The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'
That's what I said
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand
Or so I have read

My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

I met her on Monday, twas my lucky bun day
You know what I mean
I love her each weekday, each velvety cheek day
You know what I mean

My love gun's loaded and she's in my sights
Big game is waiting there inside her tights, yeah

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

Skyclad -

9. Little Miss Take

Thought I'd got it right - for once I'd sought and found perfection.
when you said "I love you you addressed your own reflection.
I'd prayed up to the heavens for a goddess of desire,
the best they had on offer was one devil of a liar!
You can't be accused of procrastination
one brief separation - the dream went stale
You sever all ties with a swift laceration
leave so many loose-ends- (thereby hangs my tale)


Were you scared that the truth could have made you fatter ?
The Oueen of Hearts - you dealt me a pack of lies
then laughed in my face like it didn't matter
that you'd crossed my heart and I hoped to die.

Licked my wounds and hugged my chains
believing you pre-menstrual
unaware love could be blind to torture cruel and mental
stn regret I must confess I realised too late
you re-define endearment as 'the tender side of hate"

I'm already broken - so don't kick me better
What colour's the sky in your world - is it green ?
It seems I'm not even worth one paltry letter,
cast off like a tampon - you stamp on my dream


Were you scared that the truth could have made you fatter ?
The Queen of Hearts - you dealt me a pack of lies
then laughed in my face like it didn't matter
that you'd crossed my heart and I hoped to die.

Could it possibly be that In your dictionary "Love' and "Lies" are defined
both the same?
I know how you can catch your ideal man
join a singles-club for the insane

The prize for my stupidity'- a noose about my neck
Nest time that she says "Good day" make sure you go and check
Mislay your smile - this dacryphile is turned on by sighs
When she has her eye on you - good fortune and good flies

You can't be accused of procrastination,
one brief separation - the dream went stale,
You sever all ties with a swift laceration.
leave so many loose-ends - (thereby hangs my tale).

Were you scared that the truth could have made you fatter?
The Queen of Hearts - you dealt me a pack of lies,
then laughed in my face like it didn't matter,
that you'd crossed my head and I hoped to die
Both sickened to learn (and yet glad to discover).
that Venus once held me with (ch)arms so fake
I'd have once sold my soul for this faithless lover,
now I couldn't give a damn for my little Miss Take.
Been standing here for ages
Watching the valleys blossom and burn
The pyres of yesterday smells of losing you
Preserved we are, portraits (in the glassy depths)
I picked up the shattered mirror, put them in water
Cold as my dreams

Isa: Still - Standing - Empowered
Isa: Watching you die, with tears of ice
Isa: Detached - Silent - Ecstasy
Isa: We are the dead

We arrived here from different spaces
Bidding the wooden shrines farewell
Concealed within dead lips lies the rope
That forged us and then tore us to shreds
Distant opposite assembly at the shores
They're telling me it's time to let go

A time to burn, a time to build
With your own hands a room within that room
Bring it all towards the centre and tremble
Bring her back from the shadows and kiss her
Retrieve the sword from the abyss
Hold back the tidal wave

Isa: Still - Standing - Empowered
Isa: Watching you die, with tears of ice
Isa: Detached - Silent - Ecstasy
Isa: We are the dead
Got to throw a couple of At the Gates tracks in here...

The Break Of Autumn

Catch the rainbow if you can
It will always be ahead of you

Years passing swifter than you ever thought
Today will soon be behind you
And the future remains out of reach

Hunting the sun, setting at the horizon
When shadows threat to swallow your weak soul
The key of light, the solution of all
I saw it clearly behind the veil of reality
And as I dreamed the lilies white
In the shade of a birch
They withered in the frost of awakening

Fiery the angels fell from the spires of my fortress of youth
Silent explosions in my universe of pain

Appease my hunger, defeat my solitude
And let me follow where daydreams go
When ambitions fall

Watch the sky, there is proof of your transcience
The stars that saw the birth of our ancestors
Shall watch our descendants last steps on earth
So, unnoticed we will pass away,
Like a flickering in the perpetual chaos

The timebird rose from it's nest of bones
And thrust it's beak in my eye
With the beat of charging wings
My transcience was confirmed

Time perhaps for a salutary sleep
I still long for that silent land of dreams
Where the flames expire, where the spark fades
And hunger is born again

Primal Breath (lyrics not by ATG, but gorgeous nontheless)

Look, the herons in the greenbilled water
Their wet-ash wings wear medalions of patience
We drift on...
We have stories as old as the great seas
Break through the chest
Flying out the mouth
Noisy tongues that once were silenced
All the oceans we contain, coming to light

All the dark birds rush from the river
Leaving only the stillness of their language
There are no clocks to measure time
But the beating of our single hearts
You will know it is winter
By the way your dreams tremble like stones
When the wind comes through
The wind, full of hearts that beat quick and strong
From Behind The Horizon - Kroda

…Thus, it was: from behind the horizon
The war boats of Knjaz appeared out;
Hundreds of Warriors - the invincible Army
Sailed forth to campaign from Kyiv to Byzantium…

Their swords, Perun’s banners - bright they were flashing
And Dnipro rapids calmed down before them!
Svyatoslav’s boats flew with speed of the wind
For they were brought by the Winds – Stribog’s Grandsons!
Christian bastards were surrender without battle,
When they beheld the Shield with a Sunwheel…
The time is passed - with foulness they conquered us:
Disaster covered Rus right after Knjaz died…

Raping and drowning in blood - they baptized us;
They turned the Free Folk of Rus into slaves.
Yet, new masters rules the Land of our Forefathers;
Our Sacral Places breathing churches stench now…

Why we didn’t know? Why didn’t crush them down?
Didn’t ruin Constantinopolis, didn’t burn to the ground?!
Oh, if we had know it we shouldn’t have wait for:
We should have make them pay whole; Rus would not be disgraced!
Hey, Svyatoslav! Where is thy grave?!
Where is that Force? Yet, death mowed Rus down!
Arise, Mighty Knjaz! Thy Army awaiting!
Lead us forth, Knjaz! We stepping the field, War Campaign has begun!

Let crosses fall down, cause we ll crush the lies!
With the Rage of Perun destroy poison of Christ!
We ll eradicate venomous sting of YHVH
With the Ancient Runes, from the flesh of Our Kin!
And let the Glory of the True Heroes
Ringing again over Our Sacred Land;
Let the Folk of Rus , Folk of Honour and Freedom
Remind Ancestral Faith with crystal clear heart!...

In The Shadow Of Our Pale Companion - Agalloch

Through vast valleys I wonder
To the highest peaks
On pathways through a wild forgotten landscape
In search of God, in spite of man
'til the lost forsaken endless
This is where I choose to tread

Fall. . .so shall we fall into the nihil?
The nothingness that we feel in the arms of the pale
In the shadow of the grim companion who walks with us

Here is the landscape
Here is the sun
Here in the balance of the earth
Where is the god?
Has he fallen and abandoned us?

As I'm stalked by the shadow of death's hand
The fire in my heart is forged across the land

Here at the edge of this world
Here I gaze at a pantheon of oak, a citadel of stone
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead

I walked down to a river and sat in reflection of what had to be done
An offering of crimson flowed into the water below
A wound of spirit from which it floated and faded away

like every hope I've ever had
like every dream I've ever known
It washed away in a tide of longing, a longing for a better world
From my will, my throat, to the river, and into the sea
wash away
fade away

Here is the landscape
Here is the sun
Here at the edge of the earth
Where is the god?
Has he fallen to ruin?

As I'm stalked by the shadow of death's hand
My heathen pride is scarred across the land

Carnal Malefactor - Deathspell Omega

Below the lid of a vast rounded monument
Trickling of gristly vestiges and whacked hopes
Enhanced by the horrible excess of fetid exhalation
And uterine strangulation by the wreaths
Of the herds astray, arid in despair, blessed
With dilated flakes of fire, slowly wafting down…
Say, what does a maternal heart feel when merely
Vinegar stills your child’s thirst?
You’d implore to harbour his torment in your chest…
To make his burden yours, but…Sacrilege!
Who are you, harlot, to interfere with His emerald will
When even your glance should never leave the soil?

There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
Angel prick and holy semen,
And a woman genuflecting an aroused beast of burden alike
Seduced by the father and seducing the son
There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
A phallic communion that sanctifies interior wastelands

He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption
Carnal malefactor, rub your sterile wriggling womb
With a candle in reverential contemplation
And give voluptuous harbour to vile insects
He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption
The scorpion shall open the book of Solomon for you to see
And the snake slither out of the lips that delivered once
The redeemer of man, born out of shameful maternity…
He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption
The lactiferous Beast subjugated reason to appetite
Praised be human nature, ciborium of shame and waste,
For bathing in decline a redeemer moist of
Semen so contemptible

There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
Angel prick and holy semen,
And a woman genuflecting an aroused beast of burden alike
Seduced by the father and seducing the son
There resides the fusion, there is the nucleus
A phallic communion that sanctifies interior wastelands
When a woman is knead by the claws of fowls attracted
By seminal odours no longer hidden by dignity
And purified by their beaks rummaging her swollen vagina
When laments alter into praises despite holy duty
And menacing perdition
Seers can say that his birth does death subdue no more
His birth does death subdue not, for my God
Proceeds of failed humility…
O Master, the eastern pillar of your domination is
The organic fallibility.
Cradle of FIlth
The Twisted Nails of Faith

"Mirror, mirror on the wall
Shouldn't not grave pleasures be my all?
For if I shall see thy Will be done
Grant Me the Witchcraft of thy tongue"

Three moondials froze in the shadow of six
As another soul passed to the grasping Styx
Clutching their trinket crucifix
Bats blew from eaves in a dissonant surge
Omens of corruption from within the church
A fetid, dank oasis still clung to fool rebirth

Alone as a stone cold altar
The castle and its keep
Like faerytale dominion rose
A widow to the snow peaks
Wherein reclined the Countess
Limbs purring from the kill
Bathed in virgin white and like the night
Alive and young and unfulfilled

Was it the cry of a wolf
That broke the silver thread of enchanted thoughts?
Of Her life as a mere reflection
(As the moon's in narrow windows caught)
That opened like dark eyelids on
The sigh of the woods that the wind fell upon

Like a Siren weaving song
From the lilt of choirs choking
Where the vengeful dead

To the Sorceress and Her charnel arts
She swept from ebon towers at the hour of Mars
'Neath a star-inwoven sky latticed by scars
To unbind knotted reins that kept in canter, despair
Shod on melancholy, fleet to sanctuary there,
In netherglades tethered where onyx idols stared

Was it the Kiss of the mist
That peopled the air with the prowess of absinthe?
Lost souls begging resurrection
From Gods upon their forest plinths
Whose epitaphs read of re-ascending to win
Remission from despair through a holocaust of sin

In a tongue hilted in invective rectums
Over signs and seals the sorceress prayed
To Death, to rend the slender veil
That Ancient Ones might rise again

As shadows swelled
The Countess fell
To masturbating with Her dagger
As the Witch gabbled spells
Cumming heavy roses all the way to Hell
As sudden thunder's grue harangue
Announced two pincered worlds

Exuding bane, something came
With the stench of necrophiled graves
To these clandestines
Who shrank from glimpsing horror
That the growls of mating houls inclined...

In pendants
(Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
A demons, bewinged, bedight
In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
Receiving sole communion from the body of christ

"If blood is what thou carves, foul fiend
I will yield this witch to thee
If thou wouldst draw a veil for Me
O'er lengthening scars of age and grief"

As the Demon slavered foetid vows
And bore His prey away
In talons itching to perpetrate
The nausea of eternal rape
The Sorceress screaming in His grasp
Spat a final curse to stain
The Countess with the promise
That Her lord at war would be cruelly slain

And She would rot.
On the twisted nails of faith.
The Timebird said:
Got to throw a couple of At the Gates tracks in here...

The Break Of Autumn

Catch the rainbow if you can
It will always be ahead of you

Years passing swifter than you ever thought
Today will soon be behind you
And the future remains out of reach

Hunting the sun, setting at the horizon
When shadows threat to swallow your weak soul
The key of light, the solution of all
I saw it clearly behind the veil of reality
And as I dreamed the lilies white
In the shade of a birch
They withered in the frost of awakening

Fiery the angels fell from the spires of my fortress of youth
Silent explosions in my universe of pain

Appease my hunger, defeat my solitude
And let me follow where daydreams go
When ambitions fall

Watch the sky, there is proof of your transcience
The stars that saw the birth of our ancestors
Shall watch our descendants last steps on earth
So, unnoticed we will pass away,
Like a flickering in the perpetual chaos

The timebird rose from it's nest of bones
And thrust it's beak in my eye
With the beat of charging wings
My transcience was confirmed

Time perhaps for a salutary sleep
I still long for that silent land of dreams
Where the flames expire, where the spark fades
And hunger is born again

Primal Breath (lyrics not by ATG, but gorgeous nontheless)

Look, the herons in the greenbilled water
Their wet-ash wings wear medalions of patience
We drift on...
We have stories as old as the great seas
Break through the chest
Flying out the mouth
Noisy tongues that once were silenced
All the oceans we contain, coming to light

All the dark birds rush from the river
Leaving only the stillness of their language
There are no clocks to measure time
But the beating of our single hearts
You will know it is winter
By the way your dreams tremble like stones
When the wind comes through
The wind, full of hearts that beat quick and strong

You and your birds, Tom.
Opeth - Hours of Wealth

Found a way
To rid myself clean of pain
And a fever that's
Been haunting me
Has gone away

Looking through my window
I seem to recognise
All the people passing by
But I'm alone
And far from home
Nobody knows me

Never heard me say goodbye
Never shall I speak to anyone again
All days are in darkness
And abiding my time
Once I am sure of my task I will rise
Deathchain-Deathrash Legions

We were born south of heaven beneath the remains we shall arise
Pile of skulls is the sign of the evil, sign of the restless dead
We're killers who bark at the moon possessed by the antichrist
We heard "them" call beyond the crypt, we're fighting the world with iron fist

Don't break the oath, the oath of black blood
Just come to the sabbath, sabbath bloody sabbath
We'll kill 'em all and show no mercy
Welcome to hell


The new order is chaos command, to dismember and slaughter the lambs
1st command: reign in blood
2nd command: to dismember
3rd command: is to slaughter
4th command: spread the disease
5th command: scream for vengeance
6th command: thou shalt kill


[solos: Bobby - Corpse]

7th command: bleed for the devil
8th command: let your mind rot
9th command: hang the pope
10th command: thrash till death

This new order is thrash command
Ten commands to world domination
Now you have seen the spell of iron
A true vulgar display of power
Deadly Sinners
by 3 Inches Of Blood
album: Advance And Vanquish (2004)

Don’t walk the cold and ruthless streets,
they drain the life from all they meet.
the servants crying underground,
smelling mortal blood like hounds.
as you crawl the sewer pipes,
deadly sinners set to strike.
as you walk around the bend,
you’ll be dead right there where you stand!

flash of iron, leather, spikes, and swords!
mighty warriors with metal on their side!
enemies of metal, your death is our reward!
triumphant victory when you bring the steel to life

deadly sinners
deadly sinners
deadly sinners


kill the tyrants, endless conquest
with no mercy, straight for his heart
bloodlust will overtake, anger and violence
without warning, lightning strikes in the dark
strikes you in the dark

Deadly, deadly sinners, you at night!

flash of iron, leather, spikes, and swords!
those mighty warriors with metal on their side!
enemies of metal, your death is our reward!
triumphant victory when you bring the steel to life!

deadly sinners
deadly sinners
deadly sinners

we are ruling the night, winning the fight
taking it all right to the end
winning the night, ruling the fight
take on last step before you die!

Disposal Of The Body
by Cannibal Corpse
album: Gallery of Suicide

The basement incinerator
Is where they'll put the head
Hose the floor and clean the room
Anywhere they bleed

Into the boxes go the bags
Fill the space with rocks
In the dark of night
He throws them off the docks

Rotting in the river
Never to be found
Under tons of concrete
Deep beneath the ground

From behind he grabs his mouth
The blade goes to his neck
Bulging veins pumping blood
He struggles to protect

If you don't cut open the stomach
The corpse will rise and float
The victim is discovered dead
Rotting organs bloat

The killer chops the body
With a scalpel and an ax
The parts are then drained
And put into sacks

Grab the neck, slit the throat take the life
Hang the corpse - Prepare to drain the blood

Bone saw, meat cleaver, filleting knife
Carve the corpse - Dissect him in the tub

Smash the teeth, slice off scars, crush the bones
With a crowbar - scrape off all tattoos

If you don't cut open the stomach
The corpse will rise and float
The victim is discover dead
Rotting organs float

The killer chops the body
With a scalpel and an ax
Parts are the drained
And put into sacks

Chunks of a skull
Sawn in half bones
Body is found
Killer unknown

Triumphant Gleam
by Darkrthrone
album: Panzerfaust

Bearer of Sword
stands beyond (the) Triumphant
As Eternal Night falls
on the Planet of (almost full) Void

Weaves War with a gesture of Might
Fallen are the Souls
Blinded by the Warrior Dreams
Finds the star invisible
to most of the regular Men and Slaves

and The Master serves Him

Leaves then for the Last Time
Finally His Castle
Monument of Misanthropy and Wrath
Loyal Friend of His Sober Hours
Treads on while the Faith Whips Sharp
mental pain makes His Eyes Gleam
A light made of Dark Thrones and Frozen Winds
Now can leave the planet

[Lyrics by Fenriz, January 1994]

That's metal as fuck...

And this song makes me tear up a little...

Dreaming Neon Black
by Nevermore
album: Dreaming Neon Black

"Again it poured over me in waves.
When she left with them she said I must
break free from the dark. I tried to tell her
of their poison, she chose not to hear.
She was never seen again"

Sometimes when I'm alone I still feel you
Your breath on my neck, you're still with me
And I'm still dreaming neon black
I wait for you, to taste your unknown world
The clock spins to time that must mean nothing

Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown
Shifting shaping currents flow in memory
swim through me
Meet me in the drowning pool of tears
And wash away my innocence and fear

Sometimes I wonder where you are, can you feel my tears?
I never knew what changed you
Did they paint your dreams in pale shades?
I wait for you, you know you cannot hide
Division from within invalidates suffering

Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown
Shifting shaping currents flow in memory
swim through me
Meet me in the drowning pool of tears
And wash away my innocence

I am a child of light living in your mind
The pain, the unknowing washes away in time
Until then will you meet me whenever I call to you?

Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown
Shifting shaping currents flow in memory
swim through me
Meet me in the drowning pool of tears
and wash away my innocence
Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown
Shifting shaping currents flow in memory
swim through me
Meet me in the drowning pool of tears
And wash away my innocence
Meet me

My only cure won't you meet me?
In the drowning pool of fate the moon and the sun still wait
Won't you meet me?
I suffer silently for our love, the jester has lost his dove