Lyrics TGCD

What do they mean for you?

Your favourite song lyrically? and/or your fav line of the whole album.

For me the atmosphere of tgcd has to do with negation, fear, betrayal, abandonment, death and generally how cold the world has become today, how unworthy is life, the fact that we are slaves to a system and all theese with an alien alike atmosphere like the end of the world is coming.

My favourite song lyrically is Increase. The last line the favourite of the whole record. Sick Sleep Sick Dead Earth.
I like how dark the lyrics are. A big improvement over Viva Emptiness.
On the other hand, like I said before... I don't like the over-use of the words 'I', 'you', and 'so'. But... I'm just whining :oops:
Soil's song.... those lyrics really are something.... I just re-discovered katatonia sort of today. Haven't listened to any depressing music for almost 4 months, but I really felt like it tonight... so I took out a couple of kata-cds and been listening a while now... Jesus, I love it when it feels like you hear your favorite band for the first time again.

Sweden - Paraguay 0-3, make your bets and thank me tomorrow night, btw.
I guess it will be In the White, I really love this lyrics. But also there are some songs that go straight to my heart, and they are My Twin and July. And I very like the Follower lyrics, I even love this song only for lyrics. Oh... I can't fucking chose! Okay, here it is (fucking drumroll) Rusted! Yes, it is definetly Rusted... "A rush throught the rusted veins" - it is so fucking awesome!
Ukraine - Spain! Fucking 0-4! Oh... Fucking shit! Argh! I'm so angry and drunk! It's so fucking pathetic! Ragh! Someone give a chainsaw - I'm going to Germany!
Brazil 1 x 0 croatia, do you guys still have any doubts that my great Brazil is going to win this world cup? we are the faves!!
Now, back to the topic, increase has cool lyrics like: ''i see, your position in your life, so unworthy'' deep and bitter i'd twin lyrics are pretty cool too.
Cerulean said:
Finally someone who agrees about the I form

Indeed :p there's a use of I, you etc but for me It doesn't get annoying , I had to read the lyrics to notice it in some songs. Sometimes it's necessary to use all those I, you to emphasize something or because there's no other way to understand who's the person that the lyrics are referred to. :loco:
¨hijue%&%$$·"·"·"··$%*^*tas no habloa ingles hay algun miembro de este foro que hable español.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe you can help me with my opinion?
(back to topic) i like the lyric from Follower TGCD, specially " My mouth is shut, stupidity have shut my mouth" and "I hold your hand so hard, My knuckles turn white, when you clear the streets , & kill the lights"

and some other from other albums like the lyric from Teargas but i can't recall it now

Heh that's english, lots of "I" and "you" ..... sad but true, i agree lot's of "I" kills the songs.....and specially poems , same as "so"

thats a good observation Cerulean...