M-audio Fast Track II


A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
Hey guys,

I am in the process of transferring to a school that is in my hometown. Unfortunately this means I can't record other people/bands with my usual set up. Mostly because eventually I'm going to have a busy/unpredictable schedule and I have to drive/ride a train 45 miles to campus now.

So I've been selling equipment to conserve space before I move back, and I want to get a good interface but one small enough just to record myself since I still want to do something musically. :headbang:

I'm thinking of getting the M-audio FastTrack II but I haven't seen that many reviews that I trust or actually know anyone who has used it. Does anyone have any experience with it and like it? If not, is there another one that someone likes as well?

I'm looking for something I can still get a pretty pro sound with (for vocals/guitar DI), probably just as good or close to firepod quality, nothing too spectacular.


EDIT: My budget calls for anything $600 I prefer something at $200 or less.
I've got a Mobilepre II that I use for DIs and vocals when I'm travelling or away from the studio and I love it. Two inputs for xlr oand1/4" and only a little more than the fast track.

They also just came out with the fast track C400, not sure what it's about but it looks pretty cool.
Get yourself Saffire 14 or 24 Pro. Both are firewire interfaces. The later has an input impedance over 1M ohm, which is good.
But both Pro 14 and 24 have small maximum input level compared to FT MKII or Mobile Pre MKII and no Pad like on Pro 40.
thanks for the suggestions so far guys...
Have you heard anything about these? Scarlett interfaces from Focusrite

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I've also been searching for a portable interface with quality conversion (1-2 inputs, usb) and I've been really wanting to go Focusrite this time...but the Saffire 6 clips with passives (7db max input level w/ PAD) and I've read a lot about the new Scarlett interfaces having bad drivers. I've already owned 2 M-Audio devices and want to try something new.

Now I'm really curious about the Motu Microbook. Looks really cool but it's hard to find much info on them.
ive had problems with a Fast Track before. then i switched to this:


hmmm...I have to admit, I kind of took AudioBox as sort of cheap. But it doesn't sound too bad now that I listened to some decent demos on youtube. I'm still a bit skeptical about how they sound in the presonus advertisements and endorsments.

My biggest issue I guess is that I'm trying to find demos from people who actually are into audio engineering aspect of recording and actually mix/master their own songs with these portable interfaces.
I agree. I'm most likely not going to get a Presonus for similar reasons. Focusrite and Motu seem to get a lot more praise (As well as RME and Apogee, for a price).

But regarding the Saffire 6, there is a lot of reported clipping when tracking guitars. Just something to be aware of before your purchase.