M-Audio Fast Track Pro vs. ProFire 2626


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
The other day I brought my little Fast Track Pro to the jam space where the ProFire has been sitting for a month or 2. Did a little test with just one mic and a few of us in the room, just kinda talking and bullshitting.

Turns out - the FTP is so goddamn noisy and the quality is just nowhere even close to the ProFire. I was floored and didn't believe it at first. I figured maybe since I was running RCA cables out of the FTP into our PA head that maybe that was causing the noise. So I played back the audio we recorded with the FTP THRU the ProFire (1/4" cable to PA), and still noisy.

So, I must say I'm pretty glad I went for the ProFire.

Anyone else want to chime in with thoughts or experience with M-Audio gear?
Possible defective unit? Haven't really noticed any noise issues with my FTP.

I've never noticed this noise before either. I did let a buddy borrow it for about a month, and now that I think about it, that was the first time I've used it since I got it back. I figured maybe I just didn't notice how bad the noise actually was since I was used to the ProFire?

I noticed it makes the white noise in an amp sim even worse (like, when not playing anything).

Maybe it got dropped or something and he didnt tell me?
ahh cool, so mine is not broken then. :kickass: Figured my bud would have said something if he dropped it or something. I was planning on using the FTP for home use but after noticing how noisy it is, I think I'll just lug the ProFire around.....