M-audio project mix + profire 2626 troubleshooting


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
could i use these in unison?

as i only have one firewire port in my mac would i plug the control surface,

would i A) plug the control surface into the mac and then plug my profire into the project mix and use them that way?


B) have the profire plugged in as normal but since the profire has two firewire ports

could i sidechain the control surface into that then into the profire and use them seperately?

soooo confused haha
The 2626 supports standalone operation, so you should be able to use the project mix as the interface and plug the 2626 via ADAT.
No sure if the other way around is possible.
The 2626 supports standalone operation, so you should be able to use the project mix as the interface and plug the 2626 via ADAT.
No sure if the other way around is possible.

good man :)

do you know if i have to remove the 2626' drivers dude?

and if so how would i then make it run standalone? or just turn it on an plug it into the project mix?
good man :)

do you know if i have to remove the 2626' drivers dude?

and if so how would i then make it run standalone? or just turn it on an plug it into the project mix?

Not necessarily but you would have to install the project mix drivers since it will be the interface.

Before you try to use the 2626 as a standalone unit, you need to check its control panel and set the clock source to optical port A.
You can also use word clock but let's keep things simple.
but nothing will connected optically or does that not matter?
ADAT need optical connection. That's how it's going to be connected.
2626 Optical A out-------(ADAT)-------Project mix Optical IN-----(Firewire)----Computer
so is there anyway i can just use the projectmix as an automated mixer and my profire as my interface? :)
Setting it up the way Burny is suggesting would allow you to use the Profire AND Projectmix preamps at the same time, so you'd have 16 inputs. Not sure if the PM can be used as a standalone controller, maybe have a gander at the manual and see what you can dig up?
could anyone tell me where to find a decent alternative power supply?

as this one doesnt have one :/ its 9v 3500ma?
ive found one at maplins.

but they only have a 3000 or 5000ma version, would any of these suffice or would it definately be a case of me having to use the actual supply?

im in the uk btw
actually all i now need help with guys is setting my profire as the master clock ive fathomed linking them and puttig the profire in standalone

if anyone could help that'd be amazing
I think it should just be a case of setting the profire to internal sync and then setting the PM to sync from the ADAT input. Have a look in the PM control panel and you should see a sync option there.
thanks trev im pretty sure thats right

so how come you have to do that? is the profires clock better?
You have to sync up things that are being connected digitally or you'll get clicks, pops and audio dropouts. I'd say the Profire probably has a better clock as the Porjectmix is getting on a bit these days. Though I don't know how much a difference better/worse clocks make to be honest.